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This work presents an account of the results of diagnostic analyses on the lesions that were first detected in Michelangelo's David in the mid-1800s. After summarizing the events that may have affected the statue's stability and the state of deformation, the authors present the results of the Finite Elements Method (FEM) tests conducted on the digital model of the statue's surface. The analysis of these results made it possible to identify the static conditions that generated the cracks in the lower part of the left leg and in the tree trunk of the David. Lastly, the current situation was analyzed from the perspective of both deformation and stresses, evaluating the statue's stability also as regards its structural response to the seismic activity at the level expected for the Florence area.  相似文献   
通过分析希腊悲剧中的日神、酒神精神,尼采指出:荷马所诉诸的日神民族文化的史诗世界,以及随后的抒情诗人阿尔基洛克斯,这似乎是寓音乐于形象的过程,进而他发现,语言作为现象的器官和符号。绝对不能把音乐的至深内容加以披露。而建立在为人类灾难辩护的伦理依据之上的悲剧最能描画这个世界的本质。然而。在欧力彼得斯手中,悲剧死了。尼采驳斥了建立在苏格拉底理论下的有逻辑顺序的欧力彼得斯悲剧.并且,面对建立在“苏格拉底主义”建立起来的自然科学走向悬崖的境况,尼采试图以贝多芬、瓦格纳纯粹的音乐唤起悲剧的重生。使得德意志民族能够从中找到继续前进的新动力。  相似文献   
通过近几年来对寒冷地区天然大理石饰面安装的跟踪调查,就其质量和施工方法做些探讨。  相似文献   
通过测量和分析高频感应钎焊金刚石砂轮磨削大理石过程中的磨削力,对砂轮所受的法向力和切向力进行了研究。从单颗金刚石最大切削厚度的角度。分析了磨削深度、进给速度和砂轮线速度时磨削力的影响。  相似文献   
在建国早期 ,古罗马人的衣食住行比较简单 ,随着罗马对外大征服 ,特别是在公元前 2世纪征服富庶的希腊和东方诸王国后 ,他们的衣着日益华丽 ,中国丝绸在罗马大受欢迎 ;他们餐桌上的菜越来越多 ,饮宴很讲究排场 ;他们的住宅愈来愈考究 ,富人们大肆兴建豪华舒适的别墅 ;他们的出行变得十分方便 ,形成了“条条道路通罗马”的壮景  相似文献   
在厅室布置、住宅装饰和对艺术水平要求较高的建筑物上,对材质的理解与应用是极其重要的。材质的理解可以赋予设计者以丰富想像力,揉合作者的个人意识和情绪,创造出精美作品。常用的设计材料如宣纸、大理石、木竹藤、纺织物等的巧妙结合、搭配,给人们的生活增添了无穷的兴趣。  相似文献   
大理岩为碳酸(盐)岩,属易溶岩类,其分布与成因、溶蚀特征及对工程的影响等,系水电站工程勘察论证的重要内容。以某非碳酸盐变质岩区大理岩为例,利用工程勘察取得的资料,在其所处地质环境基础上,分析其分布与成因、溶蚀特征等,并简要阐述其溶蚀对拟建工程产生的影响。  相似文献   
弹玻璃球,中国十大经典游戏之一,在我国民间一直很流行,发展至今已有两千多年的历史,具有浓厚的华夏底蕴和广泛的群众基础。处闽北山区经济实力相对发达地区落后,学校体育场地设施也相对落后,但山区有着丰富的泥土资源,是开展弹玻璃球运动很好的场所,同时弹玻璃球运动在中小学有着很好的基础,把其开发为地方课程是可行的,且符合国家三级课程管理体系和课程标准的精神。  相似文献   
The mechanical behavior of fragmented marble epistyles restored with titanium reinforcing bars is studied numerically using the Finite Element Method. The study is focused to the behavior of restored epistyles subjected to bending under uniform load along the free span of the structural element. The restoration method simulated is the one introduced a few years ago by the scientists working for the conservation of the Parthenon Temple on the Acropolis of Athens and is still under development. Attention is focused to the influence of the geometric features of the reinforcing bars as well as to the role of the cementitious material interposed between the marble and the bar. In addition, the contact properties of the marble-titanium, marble-cement and cement-titanium interfaces are also examined. To achieve the goals of the study, six numerical models are constructed considering centrally fractured prismatic marble epistyles of rectangular cross section restored with a single titanium bar, either cylindrical or threaded. The analysis reveals the critical regions, where the maximum stresses and the strain discontinuities appear and makes clear the influence of the geometrical characteristics of the reinforcing bar. Also, the crucial role of the constitutive law governing the mechanical behavior of the intermediate layer of cementitious material is enlightened.  相似文献   
尼采认为人生本质上是恐怖与苦难的深渊,为了逃避生活的重负,人们除了在日神(阿波罗)的梦幻世界去寻求力量外,也可以到酒神(狄俄尼索斯)的醉狂世界里去"完全忘了自己".无独有偶,美国戏剧之父尤金·奥尼尔在<送冰的人来了>一剧中描写了一群无家可归、不合时宜的可怜虫.他们整日纵酒迷梦、彼此安慰,以此逃避冰凉而令人绝望的现实世界,并赋予生活以意义.本文作者试图从尼采悲剧思想中的日神精神和酒神精神在<送冰的人来了>中的体现,具体通过阐述代表着现实世界的希基到酒店之前之后,以及最终离开酒店后的三个阶段即日神精神和酒神精神被全力张扬、被扼杀及最终获得新生的过程,论证白日梦赋予剧中人物在这个荒谬、残酷的世界中生存的意义.  相似文献   
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