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This study examines mistreatment through the perspectives of employees with different cultural backgrounds and positions in order to understand the ways in which some voices are muted and others are privileged. Mistreatment is interactional, distributive, procedural, or systemic abuse of employees taking place at both interpersonal and institutional levels on the basis of cultural diversity. Narrative analysis of semi-structured interviews with employees of a large research and development organization revealed three types of muted narratives used to respond to mistreatment (muted-but-engaged, angrily disengaged, and resigned) as well as one type of privileged response. The narratives provided evidence of two processes by which voices became muted: repeated silencing over time and silencing through ambiguity of policies.  相似文献   
目前,小灵通已经被强制退市,迫切需求一种新的通信方式实现井下无线通信。本文提出了运用WiFi无线宽带技术于煤矿井下无线语音通信系统中,结合现有的WLAN网络实现无线的VoIP语音通话。  相似文献   
世界上只有一种科学的发声方法.声乐是集音乐学、生理学、心理学、解剖学、声学、语言学、哲学等为一体的综合性学科."美声"、"民族"、"通俗"是三种风格.以往对"美声唱法"、"民族唱法"、"通俗唱法"的错误理解应当纠正.  相似文献   
《唱论》作为我国古代最早出现的一部论述民族声乐艺术的专著,在我国的传统民族声乐发展史中,具有非常深远的意义。《唱论》中所述之歌唱方法,虽然存在着一些不够严谨和不够完善的地方,但也为后世的声乐演唱提供了强有力的理论支持。演唱者应借鉴《唱论》所述之演唱方法,并结合民族声乐演唱方法予以一定程度的创新,才能促进我国民族声乐继续向前发展。  相似文献   
内地大众音乐选秀时代从诞生就充满坎坷,一路在争议声中走过,最终在历经了得与失之后以《中国好声音》突破重围,获得一片赞赏声。本文试图探讨总结选秀节目成功的经验,并从“音乐审美的真与善”、“精英文化和大众文化的融合”、“师生平等对话的语境”等几方面对当前高校专业音乐教育现状进行思考,提出了探索高校专业音乐教育人才培养新模式的主张。  相似文献   
《女声》是上海沦陷时期的女性杂志,它在创始之初就关注儿童这一社会群体。在严酷的言说环境中,《女声》的儿童栏通过各种儿童文学体裁来关注儿童生活,进行儿童启蒙教育,影射沦陷当局。这种特殊历史场景中的文化坚守不仅为儿童提供了丰富的精神养料,而且为抵抗日伪当局的殖民统治提供了可贵的言说空间。  相似文献   
费县(刘庄)方言单字调的实验调值为阴平调低平升[224],阳平调高弯降[552],上声调高升[45],去声调低凹[423],其声调格局体现了高调与低调搭配,升调、降调和曲折调不同调形在空间中均匀分布的特点.实验结果表明,费县(刘庄)方言声调的实验调值与传统调值之间没有显著的差别,而时长与调形之间有显著的对应关系.费县(刘庄)方言中还存在一些特殊的声调现象——作为低调伴随特征的嘎裂声和僵声以及羡余成分.  相似文献   
2005年举办的《超级女声》让音乐选秀类节目深入人心,与之相伴的是人们对这一节目在青少年价值观的引导以及节目真实性等方面的批评。2012年举办的《中国好声音》与《超级女声》在节目理念、模式、社会影响效果以及更深层次的制播关系等方面截然不同。《中国好声音》代表了我国音乐选秀类节目的新变化,对今后音乐选秀类节目的发展有着借鉴作用。  相似文献   
More recent motivational research focuses on the identification of effective techniques for enhancing instructional design and meeting the needs of diverse student populations (Wlodkowski R. J., 1981). Learning-motivation researchers are applying some of the same theories and concepts found to be effective in industry to the development of motivational models that enhance the teaching-learning environment. One of such models is the Attention Relevance Confidence Satisfaction (ARCS) model of motivational design developed by John M. Keller (Small Ruth V., 2007). The continuous improvement in handheld devices technologies has led to a new learning paradigm called mobile learning which involves the delivery of learning contents to learners utilizing mobile computing devices. Handheld devices, however, have constraints which limit their use for effective learning. Towards improving the effectiveness of mobile learning is a new mobile learning model proposed by Shih on which instructional designs for mobile learning can be based to facilitate mobile learning design and to achieve better mobile learning outcomes (Yushin E. Shih & Dennis Mills, 2007). Shih's model is based on Graphical User Interface (GUI). This paper presents an enhanced Shih's model for effective mobile learning outcome in a university environment by making provision for instructional design to include online library search for both e-books and audio books using collaborative filtering algorithm to aid the search and posting and reading of testimonials about positive mobile learning outcomes so as to encourage other mobile learners. It also incorporates the use of Voice User Interface (VUI) to access the learning portal in order to overcome mobile devices interface limitations in addition to Graphical User Interface (GUI) proposed by Shih, so as to cater for the learning needs of the blind and the visually impaired.  相似文献   
恶搞作为一种在娱乐消费、网络影像时代下出现的新兴文化现象,以一种自由肆意的文化姿态颠覆、解构了精英文化,使原本就众语喧哗的文化生态环境呈现出更加多元的态势。但是由于“恶搞”的出现和发展受到了来自各方面复杂多变的动力驱使,这使得它面临着前途未卜的命运。因此对待恶搞,棒杀捧杀皆不可取,应该采取更加理性的态度。  相似文献   
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