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卡内基图书馆计划的回眸与反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
安德鲁·卡内基基于对公共图书馆的深刻认识,通过其基金会斥巨资实施卡内基图书馆计划.由于捐助规模的过分庞大和各社区情况的纷繁复杂,在实施过程中出现一些问题,但该计划仍然取得了巨大成功.卡内基图书馆计划是人类历史上史无前例的慈善行为,其取得的成就与成功经验书写了美国和世界公共图书馆发展史上的神话.其借鉴意义是:中国应当建立完善的慈善制度、法律和法规,加强宏观指导和激励措施,加强慈善事业的管理与监督,充分发挥图书馆协(学)会的地位和作用,正确引导富人捐助公共图书馆事业.表2.参考文献12.  相似文献   
作为英国文艺复兴时期玄学诗人,安德鲁.马维尔把对自然的细心观察,对人世的深沉思索,对艺术乐感的追求融合在—起,常常选择简单的主题统辖深刻而严肃的观念,借用各种不同的意象寄寓复杂的情感态度,创造独特的艺术形式激发动人心弦的美感。其诗作《致他娇羞的女友》和《花园》之间虽有“情”与“理”的不同指归,却均因具有马维尔玄学诗的艺术背景,表现出艺术还原、意象生动、音韵优美、蕴藉丰富的审美特征而倍受后人推崇。  相似文献   
安德鲁一怀斯的绘画表现出对故乡风物的亲近,并充满诗性.透过欲望、精神、历史与文化的内涵,可以看到他的绘画的主题是人类的悲悯,也可以看到他对自然的眷恋,对生活的挚爱.怀斯的画是乡土的、具象的,其实更是心灵的,他为自己的心灵作画.他认为前卫的探索更应该是一种精神的远行,于是,在这个物质不断丰富的世界里探索人类心灵的境遇,正是怀斯作品的震撼力量之所在.  相似文献   
《Public Library Quarterly》2013,32(3-4):215-223

In 2005, Hurricanes Katrina and Rita damaged many libraries along the Gulf Coast. Due to widespread destruction in communities, library recovery has been slow. With support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, SOLINET implemented two projects in 2006 to insure that library services remain available in the region. The projects provide temporary public library facilities in communities where libraries were destroyed, distribute grants to restore services at academic libraries and support planning in public libraries, and provide education to facilitate recovery. The projects also address planning for long-term recovery and improved preparedness for future disasters.  相似文献   
英国音乐剧《猫》是当代流行于世界的一部经典剧目。其成功包括多方面的原因,除了商业运作和经济投资外,音乐、舞美设计及其演员的表演都夺人先声。不管是舞台设计和演员的化妆等硬件,还是音乐与表演等软件都有与众不同的地方。《猫》的剧情简单,但结尾点题,发人深省;表演生动,似猫似人,颇具想像力;音乐美妙动听,易于传唱。  相似文献   
安德鲁·马韦尔是英国玄学派诗人中非常重要的代表人物。文章分析他的主要代表作《致他的娇羞的女友》突出地表达了“及时行乐”的作品主题,整篇诗作音律优美,结构严谨,气势磅礴,充满奇特的比喻,使作品具有经久不衰的艺术魅力,至今仍给人独特的艺术享受。  相似文献   

This essay reviews the recent work of three sociologists, Andrew Walder, Alessandro Russo, and Joel Andreas, on factionalism in the Chinese Cultural Revolution (CR). To varying degrees, all three authors under review question the dominant sociological interpretation of CR factionalism, which directly links factional allegiance to objective class position, and they each attempt to develop a political interpretation instead. Politics, however, is understood differently by the authors. Walder argues that, through attending to the ‘event sequence’ of the CR in which factionalism emerged, factional politics can be de‐linked from the sociological base to which it is usually tied. Russo, influenced by the work of Alain Badiou and Sylvain Lazarus, argues that the factionalism of the CR should be linked to the emergence of a subjective ‘political sequence’ and not to the pre‐existing structural organization of Chinese socialism. Unlike Walder, for whom mass politics seems to be firmly identified with elite intra‐party power struggle, for Russo a space between elite power struggles and the pluralization of mass political organizations allowed a genuine subjective politics to emerge. Joel Andreas employs Pierre Bourdieu’s concepts of political and cultural capital in order to study the development of CR factions in the Qinghua Attached Middle School and Qinghua University, painting a complex political and sociological understanding of factionalization. These works not only offer reinterpretations of the CR itself, but also help to generate interesting questions about the political relationship between the present and the 1960s, both in China and globally.  相似文献   
The life goals and interests of eighth-graders were examined in relation to their reported extracurricular activities in secondary school. In 1969, 204 females and 178 males, attending three feeder schools, completed the Vocational Sentence Completion Blank, a semiprojective measure of life goals, values, quests, aspirations hopes, preferences, and concerns. For the Milwaukee Academic Interest Inventory, which measures curricular interests, the complete test records of 183 females and 150 males were available. In 1971, all subjects reported about their participation in six secondary school activities. Approximately two-thirds of the 29 VSCB categories and all 7 MAII variables were predictive at a low level of association. The statistically significant relations between eighth-grade predictors and specific extracurricular activities in the first year of secondary school seemed reasonable. Implications for adolescent development were discussed.  相似文献   
20世纪英国批判现实主义作家克朗宁的名《城堡》像一把柳叶刀切开了英国社会现实的肌体,暴露出了这个肌体内的种种病灶:医学界的保守落后和陈规陋习,医务界的种种黑暗、腐败现象,资产阶级社会的各种丑恶面貌。作品成功地塑造了主人公曼逊这个走过了先是不满反抗、继而妥协沉沦、终于觉醒再生曲折历程的青年医生的形象。  相似文献   
This article considers the body of work which Andrew Haldane has published since the onset of financial crisis. It draws a distinction between two kinds of criticism in that work: Haldane's interference through political arithmetic on the costs of finance and Haldane's big concept of the financial network using metaphors drawn from the life sciences. His readers have mainly focused on Haldane's innovation through concept and network metaphor while neglecting his political arithmetic and empirics on the costs of finance. But this article argues that Haldane's political arithmetic on costs is an important radical intervention when the finance sector is deflecting reform with a trade narrative about the social benefits of finance.  相似文献   
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