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自由主义是西方资产阶级摧毁封建专制主义的一把锐利武器,并通过法国大革命传播到世界各地。在中国,《新民丛报》学人对西方自由主义进行了广泛的引介和宣传。他们并不是全盘照搬西方自由主义,而是通过日本文化作为中介,借助中国传统文化对西方自由主义进行了消化、吸收,以至于在某些问题上根本改变了自由主义的观点,引起了学者们的诸多争论。  相似文献   
本文通过对维吾尔族作家阿布都热合曼·卡哈尔的长篇小说《繁华都市的新市民》主题思想、人物塑造的分析,探讨小说所透射出的维吾尔当代社会的各种问题。  相似文献   
This research has as its objective the discovery of the critical factors that enable citizens to adopt e-Government (e-Gov) at different stages of service maturity. To accomplish the objective, this research has explained the related concepts and theories and developed a research framework grounded on a strong theoretical and literature review background. The empirical study was conducted in Canada, which is a leader in providing mature e-Gov services. From our results, we have observed two ontological differences from the present literature in the adoption behavior of e-Gov where organizational and financial perspectives have distinct implications over parsimonious technology adoption behavior. First, technology adoption model (TAM), diffusion of innovation theory (DOI), and theory of planned behavior (TPB) cannot capture and specify the complete essence of e-Gov adoption behavior of citizens. Second, e-Gov adoption behavior also differs based on service maturity levels, i.e., when functional characteristics of organizational, technological, economical, and social perspectives of e-Gov differ. Our findings indicate the critical factors that enable citizens to adopt e-Gov at different stages of service maturity. Public administrators and policy-makers have potential implications from the findings of the adoption behavior of e-Gov at different maturity levels.  相似文献   
许多思想家或学者都从道德方面论述自由,康德甚至直接提出了道德自由的学说,深刻地影响了《新民丛报》学人。道德是反抗社会的奴役和束缚,从而走上自由的最后一块阵地。没有了道德,自由也就不复存在,所谓的自由只是空中楼阁、海市蜃楼。虽然道德是中国几千年来圣贤君子所特别强调的,但是中国的道德并未随社会的发展产生出自由秩序。当《新民丛报》学人看到中国的道德和西方的道德有共通之处时,便将西方的道德自由理念引入中国,并拿起道德的武器来争取自由。  相似文献   
对章丘城镇市民参与健身活动的情况进行调查研究,发现章丘市民参加健身活动缺乏主观能动性;章丘市公共健身设施匹配存在欠缺;体育消费市场有待开发;市民健身缺乏科学性以及体制测试体系不够完善等问题。根据《全民健身计划》的精神要求提出加大宣传力度,增加政府投入,鼓励民间兴办体育赛事,启发和开发体育消费市场,完善体质测试体系,打造高校人文生态健身圈等应对措施。  相似文献   
自由并不是任何人都能行使,如果一个人没有足够的智识、品德,特别是自己的自主性受到损伤,那么他就无法实施自由。在古希腊、古罗马时期,公民就是自由人,奴隶没有自由。到了近代,只有解放了的奴隶成为公民时,才享有自由。《新民丛报》学人认识到了公民自由的重要意义,因而积极提倡公民自由,以反对中国人的奴性,更重要的是他们认识到了中等社会在实现自由方面的价值。  相似文献   
《新民丛报》是辛亥革命时期改良派创办的最重要的报刊,对西方自由思想进行了许多介绍和论述。《新民丛报》学人认为自由思想是反对封建专制的最好武器,因而积极地把自由思想输入到国人头脑之中。他们试图借思想文化来解决中国问题,以达到挽救民族危亡的目的,对中国社会产生了一定的影响。  相似文献   
梁启超等《新民丛报》学人关于国家自由、团体自由、个人自由的关系,是受到极力责难的地方,也就是在这方面争论他们是不是自由主义者最激烈的地方。《新民丛报》学人虽然介绍了西方许多重视个人自由的思想,并力图将其改造以适合于中国,但是他们却不能把个人自由放于高于一切的地位。当中国不能实现自由之时,许多人更加相信梁启超等人不能真正理解自由主义。虽然这些人说的话有一定道理,但这是他们赋予了梁启超等人太多的责难。  相似文献   

This paper analyses to whom Spanish journalists feel responsible. To achieve this objective, we sent out a survey to Spanish journalists to ascertain their opinion on this question. The journalists’ point of view was then compared with that of the general public though six focus groups consisting of Spanish citizens from six cities in Spain (Barcelona, Castellón, Madrid, Sevilla, Mondragón and Santiago de Compostela). Lastly, five in-depth interviews were conducted with journalism experts (e.g., directors of professional journalist associations). The main results show that the journalists feel particularly responsible to their conscience, the journalism code of ethics and their sources. The citizens, in contrast, believe that journalists should be responsible to the audience. We contextualised the Spanish finding in the European context by comparing our results with those derived from a study among European journalists.  相似文献   
通过对连云港市、徐州市、淮阴市、盐城市等苏北地区6所高校大学生的体育锻炼现状进行调查研究,分析其全民健身意识状况及参加体育锻炼的内容、时间、投入等方面情况,查找存在的问题,并提出相应的对策。  相似文献   
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