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“欧洲中心论”成为艾约瑟历史观的重要组成部分,他以此为视角和立论的出发点,发表他对中西史学的观点和见解,对西方古典史学和近代史学的独特性和价值引以为豪。艾约瑟是从思想史自身的脉络来体察唐宋之际思想史上的巨大变革的,其“唐宋思想变革论”的提出,主要得益于道教、佛教和儒教的融合,儒生借取道教、佛教的“哲学观想”,从而赋予儒家哲学形上学的色彩,这种思想与中古儒家思想相异其趣,体现了较强的思想史范式转换的特色。艾约瑟对西方古典史学怀有浓厚的兴趣,抱有温情的敬意,认为研究西方史学应从古典史学开始,古典史学是西方史学的源头,故他对古希腊、古罗马著名史家皆有论述和评析。艾约瑟的史学素养不仅仅表现在对古希腊罗马古典史学的介绍,同时也表现在他对西方史学最新成果的分析和阐释,为沟通中西史学的交流和融合发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   
在小说《永恒的土地》当中,作者达克用文学的手法对殖民罪恶的源泉“欧洲中心主义”进行了无情的批判,形象地怒斥了“欧洲中心主义”是欧洲殖民主义者进行殖民扩张的精神根源,给疆民地土著居民带来了巨大的灾难。  相似文献   
An ethical and democratic globality, and the kind of education that would contribute to it, are only possible in the context of a recognition of the relations of power that have shaped history, and in particular the political, cultural, economic, and epistemological processes of domination that have characterized colonialism and Eurocentrism. Imagining an ethics of the global in this context means articulating a decolonial perspective. Starting from recent work in philosophy and cultural studies, this paper describes key principles of such an orientation to globality, and develops a reconceptualization of education in the context of this framework. The article proposes in particular a curriculum against domination, oriented against the epistemic and cultural violence of Eurocentrism that underlies the politics of content and knowledge in education, and a pedagogy of lovingness, committed to building global solidarity based on non-dominative principles of coexistence and kindredness.  相似文献   
2010年5月,美国芝加哥大学出版社出版了由著名马克思主义研究学者凯文·B.安德森所著的《边缘地带的马克思:论民族主义、族群和非西方社会》一书。该书对马克思主义的一系列边缘问题进行了研究,在西方学术界产生强烈反响。英国、美国、西班牙、法国、德国等国学者纷纷为该书撰写书评。2011年8月,该书被美国社会学联合会授予"2010—2011年度保罗·斯威奇社会学奖"。最近凯文·B.安德森接受了美国学者斯宾塞·伦纳德的学术采访,他的回答反映了一个左翼学者对马克思晚年思想的理解,其中不乏真知灼见,仅供国内学术界参考。  相似文献   
This study critically examines how the global media uses the concept of revolution when reporting about the Arab Spring. The understanding of the concept informed by historical Western revolutionary events perpetuates Eurocentrism which continues the inability to comprehend the regional, cultural, and political peculiarities of the Arab Spring. Media framing analysis reveals the use of the outdated notions of revolution based on six common attributes. The concept of revolution defined by the six attributes fails to address the events because it is delimited by its own Western origin and with its own understanding of modernization and progress. Such use of the concept is maintained by the media but also affects perception of the events while de-emphasizing their revolutionary character.  相似文献   
比较文学初创时期的法国学派,坚持以实证主义的态度,关照不同国家不同民族之间文学上的事实联系,以影响研究为自己安身立命之根本。法国学派在初创时期因为历史无可避免的局限性,以其自身理论与实践相脱节的缺陷,被后来学者指责陷入了狭隘的民族中心主义。笔者认为,对法国学派的影响研究的全面认识,应该细读和反思元典著作,立足于学科经典著作的原始语境来整体把握。  相似文献   
The author traces how discourse functions in the context of a school-based, urban Aboriginal education initiative, with a focus on the construction and organization of teaching subjects. Critical discourse analysis that traces spectres reveals some of the ways that whiteness and Eurocentrism create the possibilities for, and the conditions in which teachers take up, the positions: victim of racism, arbiter of authenticity, and rescuer. Consideration of the multiple, complex, and shifting positions teachers occupy within whiteness in general, and in colonial systems of education in particular, offers unique possibilities when untangling and reconfiguring teachers' constructions of Aboriginality/Indigeneity and responses to Aboriginal/Indigenous education. This theory building also contributes to the larger field of curriculum studies by demonstrating how consideration of ‘unheroic tales’ can aid in theorizing teacher identity and difference, both within and beyond the markers Indigenous/non-Indigenous.  相似文献   

The article explores some of the wider policy issues and concerns raised by the 1988 Education Bill, in particular the implications of the Bill for control over schooling. There is a brief discussion about the main aspects of the Bill's proposals as they affect schools. The paper then moves on to consider the extent to which the Bill gives power both to the Secretary of State for Education and to parents and school governors, whilst removing power from Local Education Authorities and teachers themselves. It is pointed out that the proposals will make long term educational planning and policy implementation across a range of schools very difficult. The paper concludes by questioning whether all the intentions of the Bill will be realized but notes that opposition to the Bill has not really fully taken on board alternative strategies for improving the quality of education.  相似文献   
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