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通过文献考证与案例分析,从对外传播的视野对中国外文对外宣传期刊做了全面考察。结论认为:中国自办的外文对外宣传期刊始于抗日战争时期的《保卫中国同盟新闻通讯》。其整体发展可划分为滥觞、坚持、蓬勃发展三个时期;现有的197种外文期刊中,对外宣传期刊仅有19种,其中《今日中国》与《北京周报》最具代表性。  相似文献   
《每周评论》是陈独秀、李大钊等《新青年》同人专为批评时事、发表政见、策动政治革新而创办的小型时政周刊。《每周评论》同人对1919年南北和议持怀疑态度,不相信它能够解决中国的根本问题,而视之为南北特殊势力的"分赃会议",同时亦可窥见这一时期陈独秀思想转变的痕迹。  相似文献   
文章通过网络语言、价值观概念历史、逻辑界定比较,挖掘个体、社会、文化三个纬度价值观研究现状分析,比较价值观研究发现:价值观本体论研究出现退隐;方法论视角呈现多径路非逻辑性融合;价值论层面出现依附性论域扩张,价值的偶适性、适当性与文化多元性自洽。  相似文献   
杜仁杰是金末元初山东文坛的领袖,他在诗、文、曲诸方面的创作实绩既有对"以诚为本"的唐宋诗风的实践,又有对通俗诗风的尝试,体现着元初东平地区诗风的变化,甚至促成了元初诗坛新风尚的形成。  相似文献   
本文在揭示"襄阳会"故事的史实依据,梳理故事传承积累的过程之后,对元杂剧、元平话作品中的"襄阳会"故事作了比较分析,进而论证《三国志通俗演义》对这一传统故事的继承与超越,说明这部长篇小说虽然是"世代累积型"的,但它的写定者罗贯中的艺术创新之功值得重视。  相似文献   
流行语"给力"在网络、杂志和报刊中有很高的使用频率。"给力"有动词和形容词两种词性,其意义是"有帮助"、"有作用"、"酷"、"够劲"、"大力支持"等,特定人群的语言使用心理、价值观念和文化心态及媒介的推动促使它广泛流传。  相似文献   
通过对科普基地相关运营管理理论展开理论研究,对国内外科普基地管理的典型案例进行案例研究,总结科普基地运营管理的一般规律,在现行广州市科普基地认定、评估指标体系的基础上,对其进行设计、修改和完善。同时通过专家访谈并借鉴理论和实践经验,采用层次分析法对该指标体系进行权重赋值,构建广州市科普基地认定和评估指标体系,为提升广州科普基地运营管理能力提供有效依据。  相似文献   
Since the 1980s, popular cultural products have criss‐crossed the national borders of East Asian countries, enabling a discursive construction of an ‘East Asian Popular Culture’ as an object of analysis. The present essay is a preliminary attempt to provide some conceptual and analytic shape to this object, delineated by its three constitutive elements of production, distribution and consumption. Each East Asian location participates in different and unequal levels in each of these component processes. Production can either be located entirely in a single geographic location or, alternatively, each of the necessary constituent sub‐processes can be executed from different locations; preference for either arrangement tends to reflect the relative dominance of the production location in exporting its finished products. Consumption and thus consumers are geographically located within cultural spaces in which they are embedded. Meanings and viewing pleasures are generated within the local cultures of specific audience. Conceptually, among the several possible consumption positions, the one in which an audience watches an imported programme is most intriguing. In this viewing position, differences between the cultures of the location of consumption and that of the production location become most apparent. The audience member has to bring his or her own cultural context to bear on the content of the imported product and read it accordingly. In this sense, the cultural product may be said to have crossed a ‘cultural’ boundary, beyond the simple fact of its having been exported/imported into a different location as an economic activity. Such an audience position requires the consumer to transcend his or her grounded nationality to forge abstract identification with the foreign characters on screen, a foreignness that is, in turn, potentially reabsorbed into an idea of (East) ‘Asia’; a potential ‘East Asian identity’, emerging from consumption of popular cultural products, is thus imaginable.  相似文献   
对群众体育与大众体育概念的梳理及探析,并结合大众篮球运动的特点,按照逻辑规范对大众篮球运动概念进行了界定;同时参照不同的判定标准,对大众篮球运动进行了科学分类。其目的是使人们对大众篮球运动有一个概要的了解,为进一步丰富我国大众篮球理论研究体系,促进大众篮球的和谐发展以及繁荣我国篮球文化做出积极贡献。  相似文献   
现代远程开放教育是高等教育大众化和终身教育的最佳模式,是符合我国国情,多快好省培养人才的最好途径。本文对现代远程开放教育提出了四个观念转变和相关探讨性的建议。  相似文献   
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