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德国成为两次世界大战的策源地,这一现象曾引起史学界的极大关注,但究其原因,却双众说纷纭,要寻找其真正的原因所在,就应立足于它的民族历史和深远的民族意识领域。  相似文献   
德意志帝国时期,德国的跨国移民趋势发生了根本逆转,从典型的移民迁出国转向移民迁入国。然而,德意志帝国缺乏一个统一的国家意义上的移民迁入政策。帝国时期的移民迁入政策事实上是各邦移民迁入政策的总和。面对外来移民的大量涌入,普鲁士制定了严格的移民控制与防御政策,其他各邦也有自己独立的移民迁入政策。尽管帝国各邦的移民迁入政策迥异。但在拒绝成为移民国家上是基本一致的。  相似文献   
19世纪60年代普鲁士邦议会中出现了“宪法纠纷”。本文论述了俾斯麦通过暴力手段,推行“铁血政策” 结束了这场“宪法纠纷”完成了德意志统一的历史任务。  相似文献   
The German registry system is unique in its approach to records management. By way of better understanding this approach, the historical development of this registry is portrayed in its characteristic phases: first the adoption of the practice of using registers in the Middle Ages; second the transposition of this practice into a complete recordkeeping system in the Prussian administrations of the 18th and 19th centuries; third the attempt to streamline this system in the early 20th century; and fourth the nature of the registry in modern German administrations, and in particular how it has adapted to the use of electronic records. Apart from the historical presentation, however, this study also aims to highlight central concepts of the German registry, including entries, action files, and the idea of registry itself being applied to the entire activity of keeping records. Finally, it is suggested that these concepts can provide new insights into various areas of archives as well as into current recordkeeping problems. This article is a completely revised version of the thesis which I submitted in 1997 (under the title “The German Registratur”) for the Master of Archival Studies degree at the School of Library, Archival and Information Studies, University of British Columbia. My thanks to Angelika Menne-Haritz and Wendy Duff for their comments during the writing of this revision.  相似文献   
1807年普鲁士政府颁布《十月敕令》,宣布废除国内的农奴制度。50多年后,沙皇亚历山大二世签署了废除农奴的法令。这两次农奴制改革前后相距半个多世纪,却有许多惊人的相同点。它们都是在对外战争失败的危机催生的,由封建国家侵略扩张的本性所决定;他们都是由旧统治阶级领导下进行的改革,因为两国国内各阶级力量的对比不存在自下而上的革命方式解决的可行性;改革的过程都是曲折反复,带有很大的保守性,保存了许多封建农奴制残余,对两国以后的发展产生了深远的影响;改革消除了贵族与资产阶级经济上的等级界限,为两国由封建贵族专制的国家演变成贵族—资产阶级专政的国家奠定了基础。  相似文献   
研究了铁、钴、镍、铜与铋形成的普鲁士蓝及类普鲁士蓝的制备,并将它们用于修饰碳糊电极得到电化学传感器。研究表明:铁氰化钴修饰碳糊电极对H2O2有明显的电催化作用,将它用于H2O2的测定取得较好的结果,测定的线性范围为5.34×10^-6~5.34×10^-4mol·L^-1。该电极具有灵敏度高、稳定性和重现性好等特点。  相似文献   
1834年建立的德意志关税同盟在经济领域迈出了德国国家统一的第一步。普鲁士是关税同盟的盟主,它利用该同盟控制了中小邦国,排挤、打败了奥地利的势力,以“小德意志道路”实现了德国的第一次民族统一。  相似文献   
19世纪初召开的维也纳和会,表面上是为了消除法国大革命对欧洲的影响,实际上却是一次各列强赤裸裸的"分赃"会议。在各列强所谓"均势""正统"原则的指导下,欧洲的领土版图被重新划分。本文主要论述普鲁士的领土变更对它乃至未来德国发展的影响。  相似文献   
This study examines apparently similar historical phenomena in 19th‐century Prussia and Switzerland: the establishment of modern foreign languages in the curriculum of upper‐secondary education. Through the course of the 19th century, there appear to have been great transnational European affinities with regard to both the differentiation of the upper‐secondary education into types and the development of the curriculum. However, the contextualization of the curriculum within the overall organization of the school system raises doubts as to whether the similarity is more than only quantitative. A second contextualization of the overall organization of education within cultural convictions also reveals fundamental differences rooted in different political convictions, such as monarchism and republicanism. As a result, despite the formal similarities, the establishment of the foreign language education in Switzerland and Prussia could not have been more different.  相似文献   
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