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In June 1996, the National Archives of Canada issued its Guideline on the Management of Electronic Records in the Electronic Work Environment to all Canadian federal government institutions. Part of the Guideline contained a vision of automated record keeping in which records would be captured automatically based on the incorporation of record keeping rules in the design of automated work processes. As an illustration of this concept, the National Archives developed a demonstration prototype based on a project management work process situated within one of the operational activities of the department. This paper provides an overview of the prototype and an outline of both the lessons learned and the outstanding questions that have emerged concerning the feasibility of building an electronic work environment reflecting automated record keeping.  相似文献   
利用“画图”和Power Point软件自身功能对演示文稿作“微处理”。把多个对象组合成一个新对象,对截图进行修整,控制练习题答案隐藏与显示,作程序文本与幻灯片文本框文本对拷,以及合理设置幻灯片背景和字体字形。综合考虑多媒体系统、情境等其他因素,优化设置,操作便捷,将多媒体的性能发挥到极致。  相似文献   
对于一个城市的发展,文化是一个重要因素。在开发文化时,很多城市选择古代名人作为他们的文化符号,却没有认真考量这些符号和城市的关系;另一种现象就是把一些手工艺品当做城市的文化遗产,这表现出对文化与文明概念上的混淆。衡水在选择自身的文化时也出现了这样的不当选择,这就是所谓的“非文化”。发展文化留给衡水要做的,不仅仅是形式上的建设,更要在整个城市的建设中把原本属于衡水的文化深深地植入到人们的思想当中,才能产生使文化强大的力量,发展壮大自己文化的影响力。  相似文献   
Jack Priestley 《Interchange》2005,36(1-2):215-230
This paper is concerned with the process of religious thinking as a linguistic form of investigating the world of values, which stands in contrast to theology and religious studies. It hinges around Wittgenstein’s comment, “I am not a religious man but I cannot help but see every question from a religious point of view.” It argues that scientific modes of thought are now so dominant that values education of all types are distorted as science itself was once distorted in an age when theological language held sway. The result today is the worrying growth of what is usually termed fundamentalism or literalism. The paper introduces the thinking on this issue from the curriculum theories of the Danish thinker Søren Kierkegaard, which have been ignored for nearly two centuries, before examining the work of a modern scholar, Christopher Arthur. Finally Whitehead’s insights arising from his later works are brought into play to conclude the argument.  相似文献   
This study examines cross‐cultural interpretations of icons and images drawn from US academic websites. Participants from Morocco, Sri Lanka, Turkey, and the USA responded to an online questionnaire containing 18 icons and images representing online functions and information types common on US academic websites. Participants supplied meanings for icons and images and selected a preferred image to represent each of four specific online functions. From three images of professors, participants chose one with whom they would prefer to study. Data were collected at the University of New Mexico, USA; in Internet cafes in the Middle Atlas region and at Al‐Akhawayn University, Morocco; the Open University of Sri Lanka in Nawala, Nugegoda; and at Anadolu University, Turkey. A qualitative analysis examines participants' perspectives and preferences for specific representations and identifies cultural themes in relation to Hofstede's dimensions. Implications for the design of images for cross‐cultural users are discussed.

L'interprétation culturelle de la signification visuelle des icônes et images utilisées dans la conception de sites Web en Amérique du Nord

La présente étude porte sur les interprétations transculturelles des icônes et des images extraites de sites universitaires américains. Des participants venus du Maroc,du Sri Lanka, de Turquie et des Etats Unis, ont répondu à un questionnaire en ligne contenant 18 icônes et images représentant des fonctions en ligne et des modes d'information que l'on trouve couramment sur les sites universitaires américains. Ces participants ont attribué des significations aux icônes et images et sélectionné l'image qu'ils (elles) préféraient pour représenter chacune des quatre fonctions en ligne proposées. A partir de trois images de professeurs,les participants en ont choisi une, celle avec qui ils (elles) préféreraient étudier. Une étude quantitative examine les perspectives des participants et leurs préférences pour une représentation donnée et elle identifie les thèmes culturels par rapport aux dimensions de Hofstede. On étudie les conséquences que cela peut avoir pour la conception d'images destinées à des utilisateurs interculturels.

Kulturelle Interpretationen der visuellen Bedeutung der Symbole und Bilder, die in Nordamerika Web‐Design benutzt werden

Diese Studie untersucht cross‐kulturelle Interpretationen von Symbolen und Bildern, die in akademischen US‐Websites benutzt werden. Teilnehmer aus Marokko, Sri Lanka, der Türkei und den USA bearbeiteten einen Online‐Fragebogen mit 18 Ikonen und Bildern, die Online‐Funktionen und – Informationen auf akademischen US‐Websites gemeinsamen sind. Die Teilnehmer benannten angenommene Bedeutungen der Symbole und Bilder und wählten ein bevorzugtes Bild für jede der vier spezifischen Online‐Funktionen aus. Aus drei Bildern von Professoren wählten die Teilnehmer eines aus, das denjenigen zeigen sollte, mit dem sie es vorziehen würden zu studieren. Eine qualitative Analyse untersucht Perspektiven und Präferenzen der Teilnehmer für bestimmte Vertretungen und Identitäten kultureller Themen in Bezug auf die von Hofstede aufgestellten Dimensionen. Auswirkungen auf die Gestaltung von Bildern für cross‐kulturelle Nutzer werden diskutiert.

La interpretación cultural del significado visual de iconos y imagenes utilizados en el diseño de sitios Web en América del Norte

Este artículo examina las interpretaciones transculturales de iconos y imágenes procedentes de sitios académicos de los Estados Unidos. Participantes de Marruecos, Sri Lanka, Turquía y los EUA respondierón a un cuestionario en línea conteniendo 18 iconos y imágenes que representan funciones en línea y tipos de información que se encuentran frecuentemente en los sitios académicos de los EUA. Los participantes propusieron significados para los iconos y imágenes y seleccionarón la imágen que les parecía más idónea para representar cada una de cuatros funciones en línea específicas. Entre tres imágenes de profesores, los participantes seleccionarón una, la de la persona con quien les gustaría estudiar. Un análisis cualitativo examina las perspectivas y preferencias de los participantes para tal o tal representación específica y al mismo tiempo se analiza temas culturales en relación con las dimensiones de Hofstede. Se analizan también las consecuencias que esto conlleva para el diseño de imágenes destinadas a usuarios transculturales.  相似文献   
Recent evidence indicates that bicultural individuals shift between interpretive frames rooted in different cultures in response to cues encountered in a given situation. The explanation for these shifts has been labeled cultural frame switching. The current research sought to investigate the effect of priming culture among Mexican Americans. Culture was primed by exposing either Mexican or American icons to Mexican Americans prior to the individuals completing an attribution task followed by completing questionnaires assessing emotion. Results revealed that participants primed with American icons reported fewer external attributions and less positive emotion than did participants primed with Mexican icons.  相似文献   
奥运项目图标是奥运会视觉形象开发的重要项目之一,以简洁的、形象的、具有代表性的图形语言,清晰的表现出奥运会各个比赛项目的特点。它是奥运精神的化身、是时代发展的产物、是各种文化传播的使者、是各地区间相互沟通的文化桥梁。历届奥运项目图标囊括了多种艺术风格,先后具备了"依索体系运动"、"国际主义设计"、"后现代主义设计"三个时代特征,是各个时期平面设计艺术风格更迭、发展的历史见证,它始终受到时代发展的影响。  相似文献   
The application of total reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF) to the analysis of inorganic pigments used in five Albanian icons painted by Onufri Qiprioti, in the period from the end of 16th to the beginning of 17th century is presented. After removing the protective varnish with a solvent, a dry cotton-wool bud (Q-tip) was rubbed over the painted surface to collect the micro-samples. Samples, covering the main colors and their hues, were collected of each icon. A part of the small amount of the sample was transferred to a glass carrier and analyzed by TXRF. Main types of inorganic pigments used for different colors could be identified. The results indicate a palette which included white lead, calcium white, gold, orpiment, yellow and red ochre, vermilion, red lead; a cooper based green pigment (malachite or verdigris) and smalt.  相似文献   
Authorware访问和操作数据库的关键技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Authorware不具有内置数据库的功能,但它可以通过ODBC实现对外部数据库的访问和操作.通过在系统中建立相应的ODBC数据源,然后用外部函数文件ODBC.u32中ODBCOpen()、ODBCExecute()和ODBCClose()3个函数分别对数据库进行打开、操作访问和关闭数据.通过一个应用实例详细说明Authorware通过ODBC访问数据库的实现步骤以及此过程中的关键要点.  相似文献   
刘景云 《科教文汇》2012,(26):101-101,108
小图标是一种凝练、抽象地表示某一件事情或事物的符号,又具有形象、会意的特质,简洁明了,介于文字与图像之间,是进行诗歌教学创编活动的有效载体。大班幼儿的年龄特点正从具体形象思维向抽象逻辑思维发展,幼儿通常依靠事物的具体形象进行联想,在大班诗歌教学创编活动中,如何更好地发挥小图标的作用,如下几点做法,收到了较好的效果:利用小图标,提炼诗歌的关键信息;运用小图标,提升幼儿创编的兴趣;巧用小图标,支持幼儿的创编行为;活用小图标,激活幼儿的发散性思维;速画小图标,记录幼儿的创编成果。  相似文献   
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