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Very few English secondary schools now include ‘Comprehensive’ in their titles, and political enthusiasm for comprehensive schools is hard to detect. According to David Skelton of Policy Exchange, politicians, like anthropologists, have often ‘investigated them, read thoroughly about them and even visited them, but they don’t really understand them’. Drawing on a variety of source materials, this article discusses the early comprehensive schools movement, the period of intensive circulars and legislation in the 1960s and 1970s and the subsequent waning of interest in comprehensive schools as a policy topic. At the heart of the discussion is a focus on politics and politicians at both the national and local levels, with close reference to some key personalities of the post-war period. It is argued that the story of comprehensive schooling in England needs more balance and that we should look to the present generation of politicians and historians to provide this.  相似文献   
The 2009 MPs' expenses scandal was one of the most significant political stories of modern times. It raised questions, not just about the ethics and behaviour of MPs but also about the relationship between politicians at Westminster and the political correspondents who follow them on a daily basis, known as ‘the lobby’. For the significance of this scandal, in media terms, was that the story was not broken by members of the lobby but came from outside the traditional Westminster news gathering process. This paper examines why this was the case and it compares the lobby today with that which was described and analysed by Jeremy Tunstall and Colin Seymour-Ure in their respective studies more than 40 years ago. The article concludes that the lobby missed the story partly because of the nature of the lobby itself and partly as a result of a number of specific changes which have taken place in the media and the political systems over the past 40 years.  相似文献   
Thin slice studies have demonstrated that quick personality inferences of unknown others can be made fairly accurately. Utilizing focus group interviews, the current study examines thin sliced judgments and perceptions of six leaders in the context of goodness. Findings revealed that perceivers were able to form relatively accurate impressions of some leaders based on brief glimpses of nonverbal footage. Across all groups (Malaysian and Chinese) paralinguistic cues, dynamic cues and static cues were instrumental in the formation of positive perceptions of leaders in the context of goodness. These findings have implications for the areas of nonverbal behaviour, political communication, and personality judgement.  相似文献   
批评话语分析旨在通过分析语言特征及其生成的社会文化背景发掘隐含于语言中的意识形态,进而揭露语言、权势和意识形态之间的复杂关系。以gos.sbc.edu网站的20篇女性政治人物演讲为语料,拟用批评话语分析方法,从人称代词、情态、和及物性三方面对语料进行公众,探究女性政治家演讲的特点及与男性政客演讲的异同。  相似文献   
The article reports on a study investigating influences on Australian politicians’ decision making for early childhood education and care (ECEC) policy. The astronomical concept of dark matter is utilised as a metaphor for considering normalising, and therefore frequently difficult to detect and disrupt, influences implicated in politicians’ decision making for ECEC policy. The concept of dark matter connects with and extends Foucauldian conceptualisations of knowledge, power and discourse. The paper argues that maternalist discourses continue to shape the policy landscape for ECEC, though these are largely unacknowledged.  相似文献   
源远流长的忧患意识,滋养着中国传统仕人的心灵大地,促成了其治道精神和为政规范的形成。展开其中的特殊话语,可以领略到传统仕人忧己、忧民、忧君、忧政、忧天下的鲜明内心景象,对今天为政者居安思危、科学治国理政有着重要借鉴意义。  相似文献   
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