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The digital divide refers to the differential patterns of Internet access adoption and usage across different segments of populations. The digital divide has been linked to demographic variables such as age and gender, and socioeconomic characteristics such as education and income. Using a nationally representative Canadian survey (N = 27,223) conducted in 2013, this paper investigates whether religiosity has an independent effect on the digital divide, accounting for the previously validated predictors of Internet use. Religiosity is found to negatively associate with Internet access and activity, controlling for a large set of characteristics such as age, ethnicity, education, and income. The religiosity-related gaps in the usage patterns appear to indicate lifestyle differences for those without any tie with religion compared with the individuals of average religiosity. For the very religious, the gaps indicate that they utilize the Internet for social networking less than others. Various implications are discussed.  相似文献   
池莉小说大多是对芸芸众生的世俗性关怀,努力按生活的本来面目本本分分地写;注重语言的本真色彩,运用世俗性的平易语言;实实在在地将身边的事情写出,使小说具有自然风韵;不如意的悲哀人生的展示,对命运的妥协与认同,使作品呈现出悲婉的审美风格。  相似文献   
潘兰兰 《海外英语》2014,(8):201-202,219
Hardy’s novels are dominated with an atmosphere of fatalism,as may be found in his Jude the Obscure.This paper aims to analyze the character of the hero and the heroine,Jude and Sue,by revealing the contradiction and inconsistency concealed in their desires and deeds.As rebellious as they are,Jude and Sue never escape the confines of conventionalities while confronted with conservative forces.It is not only because of overwhelming power of conservatism but also a tragedy out of their seemingly rebellious compromise.  相似文献   
王安忆的长篇小说《启蒙时代》展现了“文革”期间一群中学生成长的心路历程。作家试图探求在这个近乎疯狂的年代里,滋润心灵之物的柔情所在以及生活的本真面目,从中突显理性启蒙的重要性。  相似文献   
文艺复兴运动表面上是对古典希腊和罗马美术样式的复兴,实质上却是资产阶级人文主义精神兴起的过程,其世俗精神的体现在意大利绘画中尤为突出。本文从人物刻画与题材、主题与场合、对人体美的认识等几个方面,对文艺复兴时期意大利绘画中体现出的世俗精神进行探讨,以便认识其在西方美术史中的重要性。  相似文献   
蒋捷的《竹山词》博采众长,洗练缜密,语多创获。蒋词多以生活内容入词,风格多变,可分为雅、俗两类。雅词风格接近姜夔的清雅而间杂白话,不避俚语,抒发身世漂泊的愁绪和亡国的哀思,真切感人。蒋捷的白话小令清新有趣。俗体词学习辛弃疾,音韵和谐,抒发真情实感,寄寓深远,于俗体中有雅致。总之,竹山词带有雅俗融合与浓郁的生活化特点。  相似文献   
《亚瑟王之死》是中世纪骑士文学的典范。学术界对该部作品的解读大多着力于其强烈的世俗性或世俗性与宗教性并存。仔细阅读文本后发现,作者实质上是用基督教道德观对骑士的世俗性追求进行了否定和批判,肯定和宣扬宗教才是作品的主要目的。  相似文献   
闽北大腔戏作为我省乃至全国至今保存最原始的一种提线傀儡戏艺术形态,融汇着浓郁的宗教精神。大腔戏的宗教性充分体现在它的宗教形态、行业信仰以及它与民俗礼仪的关系上。在从明清至今的漫长的历程中,大腔傀儡戏时时处处发挥它独特的宗教功能。闽北大腔戏是世俗的宗教祭礼,以最大众、最低俗、乃至最亵渎的神明形式,宣扬宗教思想,强化宗教精神,把宗教文化的种子播洒在每一位老幼妇孺的心田。  相似文献   

Alongside community-based education, a principal agency which has contributed to defining multi-faith identities in England and Wales over the past five decades has been the subject of religious education in state maintained schools. Over this period, formulations of the social category of ‘Muslims’ and the curricular concept of ‘Islam’ in religious education have been significantly influenced by the application of the phenomenology of religion, a methodology derived from religious studies that has come under question for its decontextualised readings of religion. Drawing upon critiques of this approach, this article seeks to examine representations of Islam and Muslims in religious education based on the phenomenological model, with particular reference to the interface between the religious and the secular. Looking ahead, the article considers proposals on intercultural education which aim at preparing the young for a contributive role in society.  相似文献   
作者写虎丘,取景独具只眼,立意奇警,其浓彩泼墨的焦点不在林泉幽壑,名胜古迹,而重在市民郊游和中秋度曲、听曲的世俗风情.句句写实,却见翻变妙构和奇思神韵,富有雅、俗得兼的美致.俗之美,在人众,在繁闹,在入情,在新艳;雅之美,在曲高和寡,在寂然幽静,在陶醉销魂,在清声响彻.作者“信口而出,信口而谈“,表现了“独抒性灵,不拘格套“的创作风格和审美指向.  相似文献   
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