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Dr Lesley Cullen-Powell and Professor Julie Barlow are both chartered health psychologists and both work at the Interdisciplinary Research Centre in Health at Coventry University where Lesley Cullen-Powell is a research fellow and Julie Barlow is a director. In this article, they assess the benefits of a 'self-discovery programme' for children aged six to seven years attending one mainstream primary school. Staff at the school selected 18 pupils, many of them considered to be at risk of exclusion, to participate in the study. The children were allocated either to an 'intervention' or 'non-intervention' group. The children in the intervention group experienced the self-discovery programme over two terms.
Results suggest that the programme was well received by the children. They became more confident, respectful and calm and they displayed less aggressive behaviours during the self-discovery programme. Lesley Cullen-Powell and Julie Barlow are cautious in the interpretation of their findings, but suggest that the self-discovery programme has the potential to help children to feel more positive about themselves and their peers and to re-engage with learning. The authors argue that a wider implementation of the programme, with a controlled study, is now required to evaluate the self-discovery programme in more depth and detail.  相似文献   
应用文写作教学应给学生一个自我学习的空间,激发学生的学习兴趣,发挥学生在教学过程中的主导作用。应找准教学的切入口,创造机会,给学生一个自我发现的空间。之后,再有针对性地进行对比讨论、思维转换训练、模拟情境等教学活动,指导学生在参与过程中把学习内容迁移、结合并应用到现实生活中去,预先积累一定的工作体验,培养学生的独立自主性和实践运用能力,以适应时代不断发展的需求。  相似文献   
丁玲的处女作《梦珂》中的"梦珂"以其"莎菲"(《莎菲女士的日记》)的"前身"而受到评论界的长期忽视,如果将写作主体经验投射到现代中国的转化与发展之中,并将"梦珂"与"莎菲"共融为一体,值得探究的是其间隐现的互文性书写模式。以女性镜像为视角,对《梦珂》中知识女性面对男/女、事业/婚姻、城市/乡村等多个二元对立项的态度与选择,阐释其是如何将女性的自我发现、拯救与中国的"现代性"阵痛整合在同一叙事中。  相似文献   
本文通过对大学生进行训练来提高大学生对自我的认知能力。强调从家庭模式中认知:自我概念、人际关系;在价值观视野下调控:自我情绪,自我语言。强调自我认知的目的是:是自己、成为自己、实践自己。  相似文献   
传统意识里,女人一生的归宿和依靠是婚姻和男人,但在实际生活中,女性表现出的强大和韧性往往超过男人。魏微的小说《姊妹》,就是通过叙述两个女人对一个男人的争夺过程,女人逐渐发现自己,解构了男权神话,男人在这场情感战争中成了一个背景,两个女人为爱的较量逐渐演变成为生的较量。当男人离去后,两个互为对手的女人成了惺惺相惜的真正姊妹。在这里,男性成了一个障碍,爱情也是昙花一现的幻影,而女性间的相恤相怜之情,远远超过了亲情和爱情的层面,表现出作者对于人类情感、命运、情谊的迷惑和探解。  相似文献   
托妮·莫里森的小说《所罗门之歌》是一部以黑人男性为主人公的作品,主要描述了奶娃的心灵成长和自我发现的过程,但是在他的成长过程中,黑人女性占据着重要的地位。本文主要从女性主义视角分析两位各具特色,形成鲜明对比的黑人女性,从而进一步了解小说中所蕴涵的女性主义主题。  相似文献   

In our modern digital and information-rich educational contexts, students are increasingly faced with conflicts between popular media and scholarly content. As a result, discerning source reliability can be considered as a key threshold concept in tertiary information literacy curricula. In this study, the author describes the development of an online tutorial designed to teach this threshold concept using experiential and self-discovery learning. Evaluation of students’ learning journeys as they progressed through the tutorial provided insight into students understanding of the concept of discerning source reliability. Therefore, the author proposes that this online tutorial is an effective pedagogical tool to help students develop their personal epistemology regarding source reliability.  相似文献   
现在的教育强调教师是教的主体,学生是学的主体。在同为主体的教学活动中,教师该如何准确区分与适度把握二者之间的界限,教师在实践中常常踌躇不决、难以决定。从孩子的自我形成的视点论述“以教师为中心的教育”与“以儿童为中心的教育”的内涵和价值,并对教师该如何适度把握教师主体性与儿童主体性之间的平衡提出了尝试的方法。  相似文献   
从女性主义的角度对考琳.麦考勒《荆棘鸟》中三代女性的成长之路进行分析。通过对自然主义文学的评析和比较,认为《荆棘鸟》成功地描写了女性从混沌到觉醒直至主宰命运的奋斗历程。  相似文献   
儒家历来强调修身,并且把形成道德的自律与人格的建构作为人生的追求。修身不仅是儒家道德的核心,也是实现其人生理想的基础所在。修身要经过两个重要的过程,其一是内省,通过内省,儒家把自己的自在修为与理想道德联系在一起,时刻反省,常常省察,最后修成至高的理想人格;其二是自悟,儒家通过对圣贤文章和经典的研读,把对人生的想法、信念与经典结合而得其之真谛,博学广知,最后成"王"成"圣",最终实现自己的人生价值与理想。这一段不平凡的心路历程,需要儒家学者不断地努力和修为方能实现。  相似文献   
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