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Student intrinsic motivation,science teaching practices and student learning
Authors:Adrian Fordham
Abstract:Conclusion This paper has been concerned with the application of basic understandings about intrinsic motivation and curiosity behaviour to the teaching of science, and in particular senior high school biology. The important role of student knowledge in the generation, maintenance and resolution of cognitive conflict is congruent with the renewed interest in studying students' everyday knowledge of curriculum content. However the study of classroom teaching processes in terms of their facilitation of intrinsic motivation is not common. Yet the data collected in this study demonstrates the importance of closely examining the implementation of courses such as the Web of Life, if the arousal of intrinsic motivation is an intended student outcome. Both interview and observational data indicated that the teaching styles adopted by teachers in this study were not likely to engender curiosity amongst students. Perhaps this should be expected. The use of a wide range of reference materials to investigate problems that arise in the classroom, the encouragement of students to do additional work on a topic if they are particularly interested, and a willingness on the part of the teacher to allow students sufficient time to formulate their own solutions to problems are classroom processes which necessitate a greater flexibility in curriculum presentation than can be often tolerated by teacher and school management. Such processes may be incompatible with organisational properties of the school and the pressures often placed upon students to perform to a high standard on rigidly defined examinations.
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