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摘    要:101.Do you think she is my type? 你觉得她合适我吗?102.I'm gonna go for it. 我要去追!103.She is available. 她没男朋友。104.Sorry,I'm all tied up right now. 对不起,我现在很忙。105.All right.Maybe some other time. 好吧,那就下次吧。105.I'm sorry,I've already got plans. 对不起,我已经和别人约好了。106.That'll be the day. 不可能。(说的是反话)(语气上扬,若是肯定则语气下降)107.Don't bet on it. 不可能。108.Oh That's a great idea. 哦,你这主意真够傻的。(语气上扬)109.Now that was a great meal. 这顿饭真…

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