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The French Translation of the EAC DTD: A Few Thoughts on Interoperability with Reference to Authority Data

The translation into French of the Encoded Archival Context (EAC) DTD tag library has been in progress for a few months. It is being carried out by a group of experts gathered by AFNOR, the French national standards agency. The main goal of this group is to foster the interoperability of authority data between archives, libraries and museums, and the translation work provides an opportunity to think about the choices for standardization that underlie the EAC DTD, particularly in relation to ISAAR(CPF). It is also an excellent way of gaining familiarity with the DTD and thereby answering the need of French information specialists to increase their competencies in the structuring of digital documents and data modeling. After explaining the standardization context in which the group is working, a few major themes in its thinking will be presented, in the hope of encouraging greater international cooperation in this field.
Keywords:Agence Française de Normalisation  AFNOR  authority data  authority files  contextual metadata  EAC  Encoded Archival Context  interoperability  standardization
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