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摘    要:上一期说到两只蝴蝶在春光明媚的日子里翩翩起舞,是为什么呢?犤犦会话茶屋人物简介:●Bambi—小鹿●Owl—(学识渊博的)猫头鹰●Thumper—兔子(Bambi的朋友)●Flower—鼬鼠(Bambi的朋友)(BforBambi,OforOwl,TforThumper,FforFlower)B:W ell,w hat’s the m atter w ith them?T:W hy are they acting that w ay?O:W hy?D on’t you know?They’re tw at-pated.B&T&F:T w at-pated?Q:Y es,nearly everybody get tw at-pated in the spring tim e.For exam ple.Y ou w alk alone,m inding your ow n business,you look neither to t…

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