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引用本文:张寒旭,刘 洋,罗梦思,盘思桃. 新发展格局下粤港澳大湾区科技创新“双循环”生态系统建设路径[J]. 科技管理研究, 2023, 0(14): 69-77
作者姓名:张寒旭  刘 洋  罗梦思  盘思桃
摘    要:在以国内大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进的新发展格局加速构建的背景下,科技创新本身也要形成国内国际双循环,即以科技创新国内循环实现科技自立自强,以科技创新国际循环构建高水平开放创新格局。粤港澳大湾区的科技创新链条完善、产业链互补性强、创新生态环境不断优化、开放创新优势显著,但仍然面临基础研究能力有待提升、内外创新资源循环不畅、产业关键核心技术受制于人、产业发展未实现有效协同等问题,因此,提出构建粤港澳大湾区科技创新“双循环”生态系统。基于创新资源流动和配置视角,该系统包括创新主体与创新组织、创新资源与创新环境、创新集群与产业集群,其中科技创新资源为基础和前提,创新链为核心。以广深港、广珠澳科技创新走廊为轴的国内循环系统建设要着力提升源头创新能力,加强产业关键核心技术攻关,推动核心城市与周边城市科技产业协同发展,营造良好的创新生态;以“一带一路”为核心的国际循环系统建设要发挥港澳的国际化优势,推动国际合作向创新链源头延伸。同时,要通过完善创新资源自由流动机制、知识产权保护和运用机制、人才流动机制等,推动完善粤港澳大湾区科技创新国内国际双循环互促发展的动力机制。

关 键 词:科技创新国内国际双循环  创新生态系统  资源流动  资源配置  科技自立自强  开放创新  粤港澳大湾区

The "double cycle" ecosystem construction path of scientific and technological innovation in Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area under the new development pattern
Abstract:Under the background of the new development pattern, the paper deeply analyzes the practical basis and existing problems of the innovation ecosystem in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, proposes to build a "double cycle" ecosystem of scientific and technological innovation in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, and expounds the construction and operation mechanism of the "double cycle" ecosystem of scientific and technological innovation from the perspective of innovation resource flow and allocation. It is proposed to build a domestic circulation system of scientific and technological innovation with the "Guangzhou Shenzhen Hong Kong, Guangzhou Zhuhai Macao Science and Technology Innovation Corridor" as the axis, so as to improve the ability of independent innovation; Build an international circulation system of scientific and technological innovation with the "the Belt and Road" as the core, and form a high-level open innovation pattern; From the aspects of improving the free flow mechanism of innovation resources, the protection and application mechanism of intellectual property rights, and the flow mechanism of talents, this paper discusses the dynamic mechanism of realizing the international and domestic double circulation and mutual promotion of scientific and technological innovation.
Keywords:new development pattern  Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area   innovation ecosystem  dual circulation
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