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引用本文:李泽清. 模拟交替低氧训练对大鼠心肌相关生理生化指标的影响[J]. 山东体育科技, 2011, 33(5)
摘    要:模拟高原训练是能够避免高原训练弊端,最大程度激发机体生理潜能,提高运动员竞技水平的有效方法。本研究尝试从设计交替训练的海拔高度着手,通过应用人工低压氧舱模拟高原训练方法,建立固定海拔2500m、4000m以及2500m~4000m交替低氧训练的动物模型,通过应用生理和生化方法对大鼠心肌相关指标进行检测及研究分析,探讨不同海拔及交替海拔训练条件下大鼠心肌抗氧化能力、有氧代谢能力等的变化,从而为运动员高——高交替训练提供参考。实验以雄性Wister大鼠为实验对象,以递增负荷跑台训练方式建立动物训练模型。将筛选后的大鼠随机分为:常氧运动组、2500m低氧运动组、4000m低氧运动组、交替低氧运动组,每组8只。第1周到第4周各组分别以不同的跑台训练模型进行训练,下高原后第5天以25m/min的速度跑至力竭。全部断头处死后,取心肌组织,分别测试各组大鼠心肌中SOD、MDA、SDH、LDH、Ca^2+-ATP酶活性的变化。实验结果表明:经过4周不同海拔低氧递增负荷跑台训练及下高原后4天的训练,交替低氧运动组大鼠心肌各指标,如SOD、SDH、Ca^2+-ATP酶活性均高于其他各组,MDA低于其他各组,LDH活性组间无显著性变化。说明交替低氧训练既可以维持较高海拔的低氧刺激,又可以减少过高海拔造成的损伤,有利于机体恢复。

关 键 词:模拟交替低氧训练  心肌  生理指标  生化指标

Effect of simulated alternating hypoxia training on physiological and biochemical indexes of myocardial from rats
Abstract:Simulated high altitude training method is an effective way to avoid the drawbacks of high altitude training, greatly stimulate physical potential to the body and improve the competitive level of athletes. This paper tries to turn from the design of altitude of alternative training, through the application of methods of artificial low - pressure oxygen chamber of simulated high altitude training, and the establishment of a fixed altitude of 2 500 m, 4 000 m and 2 500 m -4 000 m alternating hypoxic training in animal models, detecting, researching and analysising the heart related indicators of rats through applicating physiological and biochemical methods, exploring the change of myocardial aerobic metabolism, antioxidant capacity under the conditions of different altitudes and alternating altitude training, so as to provide reference of high - high alternating training of the athletes. Male Wister rats as subjects in Experiments, increasing load treadmill training methods to establish animal training model. filtered rats were randomly divided into normoxic exercise group, 2 500 m hypoxic exercise group, 4 000 m hypoxic exercise group, alternating hypoxic exercise group, 8 rats in each. groups were trained in different models of treadmill training from 1 week to 4 weeks,5 days after the plateau running to exhaustion speed in 25 m/min. After decapitated, take heart tissue, SOD, MDA, SDH, LDH, Ca^2+ -ATP activity changes were respectively tested in myocardial of the rats. The results show that: After 4 weeks of hypoxia at different altitudes treadmill training and the next 4 days after high altitude training, alternating hypoxia group rats, cardiac indexes, such as SOD, SDH, Ca^2 + - ATP activity were higher than those of other each group, MDA lower than other groups, LDH activity were no significant changes. It can be seen alternating hypoxia Group not only can maintain a high altitude hypoxia, but also can reduce the damage caused by high altitude is beneficial to body recovery.
Keywords:simulated alternating hypoxic training  myocardium  physiological indicator  biochemical indicator
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