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摘    要:1.M r Brown lived in the country.H e was poor.Buthe was happy andhum orous.布朗先生住在乡下。他很穷,但他快乐而幽默。2.One night,a thiefbroke into his houseand looked for m oney in the desk.Buthefound nothing.一天晚上,一个小偷摸到他的屋里想找些钱,但他什么也没找到。4“.Ican’tfind m oney atdaytim e,do youthink you can find som e at night?”Thethiefran away atonce“.我白天都找不到钱,你想你在晚上能找到吗?”小偷听后马上跑开了。3.Suddenly he heard a loud laughfrom behind him.“W hat do youlaugh at…

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