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鸦片战争前后开拓诗坛新风的两位杰出诗人 ———— 张维屏与龚自珍诗歌创作比较
引用本文:谢飘云.鸦片战争前后开拓诗坛新风的两位杰出诗人 ———— 张维屏与龚自珍诗歌创作比较[J].华南师范大学学报(社会科学版),2008,0(3):37-45.
摘    要:张维屏与龚自珍是中国近代鸦片战争时期具有开拓性的诗人,他们两人诗歌创作的主旨和艺术手法都有许多相似之处。张、龚的诗歌都具有浓厚的时代气息,强烈的爱国情思,深刻的批判精神。他们的诗歌,在艺术上对诗歌的创作都作出了贡献。如果说张维屏的诗以反映时代的巨变和诗人的思想剧变见长,那么龚自珍的诗则以反映现实的广度和社会批判力的深度见长。这两位诗人,就像勇立潮头的猛士,劈波斩浪,冲破传统诗歌的禁锢,开拓了时代新诗风,在诗歌近代化的进程中特立前行,他们都为中国近代诗歌的发展开辟了一条崭新的道路。

关 键 词:张维屏  龚自珍  诗歌创作  比较  

Distinguished Poets Creating a Novel Way of Poetry Writing around Opium War --- Comparison of the Poetry Creation between Zhang Weiping and Gong Zizhen
Abstract:Zhang Weiping and Gong Zizhen, the creative poets around Opium War, bear similarities in their purpose and means in artistic expression. The poems of both are permeated with zeitgeist, patriotism and critical spirit, which have made great contribution to poetry writing. Zhang Weiping is a master at writing about the great changes of the time and his ideology; while Gong Zizhen is well-versed in the dynamic reflection and penetrating criticism of social reality. They went their own way and created a new era of poetry writing, blazing new trails in the development of Chinese modern poetry with their bravery in breaking the fetters of traditional poetry.
Keywords:Zhang Weiping  Gong Zizhen  poetry creation  comparison
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