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摘    要:近年来,国内著名红学家周汝昌先生在娱乐化红学的助推下,基于索隐方法的错误,对《红楼梦》中所谓隐语瘦词刻意求深,主观臆断,在其校本中出现了妄改误校的现象,曲解了曹雪芹的写作意图,误导了读者。其误改脂本《石头记》中香芋、昭儿两处就是例证。

关 键 词:《红楼梦》  曹雪芹  隐语瘦词  误校

Analysis of the Post- materialistic Values Orientation of Young People Born in 1980 to 1990
Institution:Jiang Zuo (Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan Shanxi 030024)
Abstract:Among the current pluralistic social values, the emergence of post - materialism is worthy of attention. China' s Post - materialism first emerged in the young generation people who were bom in 1980 to 1990. Studying the values of them has great significance in understanding the transforming of social values and the building of a socialist core value system.
Keywords:post- materialism  self- realization  people born in 1980 to 1990
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