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摘    要:温家宝总理在全国教育工作会议中曾提出,"实现教育科学发展,根本出路在改革创新。要解放思想,实事求是,敢于冲破传统观念和体制机制的束缚,允许和鼓励各地进行探索和试验,通过改革创新使教育发展更加符合时代发展的潮流,更加符合建设中国特色社会主义对人才的需要,更加符合广大人民群众对教育的殷切期望。"然而,教育的本质就是使作为学习主体的学生学会、会学。自主学习,是自主高效课堂的基础,只有自主的高效,才能产生课堂效率的高效。以往的课堂教学更多的是关注知识、技能的理解与熟练掌握,为考试服务。而自主高效的课堂上教师关注的不仅仅是知识、技能的学习,还关注着学生走向社会而需要的道德修养、公民素养、独立思考、发现问题、交流沟通能力、个人修养与风度等。如今的"高效课堂教学是指课堂教学的高效率、高效益、高效果。从课程改革的角度讲,是指在班级授课中实现新课程三维目标的最优化。"虽然课改已经实施多年,虽然语文教学改革不断深化,课堂的人文性有所加强,但在平时我们的教学中还存在着"低效"的工作现象。因此,根据自己长期的学习心得,结合自身的教学实际和经验,谈一谈自己对于自主高效的课堂教学方法的探究。

关 键 词:课堂教学  教学方法  改革创新

An Inquiry into Independent and Efficient Classroom Teaching Methods for Primary School Chinese
Authors:Wu Man
Abstract:Abstract The scientific development of education needs innova- tion. The core of education is to make students learn to learn knowledge. Independent learning is the basis of independent and efficient classroom. Traditional examination-oriented classroom teaching focuses on knowledge and skills, while independent and efficient classroom teaching also allows for students' personal cultivation in the society. From the perspective of curriculum re- form, we should optimize the three dimensional objectives of the new curriculum. Through curriculum reform has been imple- mented for years, there still exist many problems in Chinese teaching. In accordance with the writer's teaching and learning experience, this paper explores independent and efficient class- room teaching methods.
Keywords:classroom teaching  teaching methods  innovate
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