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引用本文:尹苗苗,张笑妍. 我国大学生创业能力提升路径探析[J]. 科研管理, 2019, 40(10): 142-150
作者姓名:尹苗苗  张笑妍
基金项目:国家自然基金面上项目:“用户创新驱动下的创业活动研究:基于集体创造视角”(项目号:71972085,起止时间2019.09-2023.12 );吉林省科技厅项目:“吉林省“大众”创业能力提升机制研究”(20170418051FG,2017.06-2019.12)。
摘    要:在“大众创业、万众创新”背景下,如何培育并提升大学生创业能力尤为重要。本研究基于认知理论和能力理论,从创业学习视角探究大学生创业能力培育及提升的路径。通过对215份有效样本进行回归分析,结果显示创业政策和亲友态度不能直接提升大学生创业能力,而需要通过创业学习这一中介机制,间接影响创业能力。创业教育不仅可以直接提升大学生的创业能力,还可以通过影响大学生进行创业学习进而提升创业能力。创业者特质可以直接提升大学生创业能力,但是对创业学习的影响作用不显著。文章最后讨论了理论贡献、管理实践及未来研究展望。

关 键 词:大学生  创业能力  创业学习  提升路径

A study of college students’ entrepreneurial capability promotion path in China
Yin Miaomiao,Zhang Xiaoyan. A study of college students’ entrepreneurial capability promotion path in China[J]. Science Research Management, 2019, 40(10): 142-150
Authors:Yin Miaomiao  Zhang Xiaoyan
Affiliation:School of Management, Jilin University, Changchun 130022, Jilin, China
Abstract:Under the background of “Mass Entrepreneurship and Innovation”, the proportion of college students participating in entrepreneurship in China is still low, and the success rate is also low. One of the main reasons lies in lack of entrepreneurial capability of college students. Therefore, how to cultivate and improve the entrepreneurial capability of college students is particularly important. College students’ entrepreneurial capability is the ability to enable college students to carry out business activities, and has a strong practical comprehensive ability, including the abilities of opportunity recognition, learning, leadership decision-making, market insight, risk bearing, organization and management, information retrieval, socialization, good psychological quality and adaptability, etc.. The entrepreneurial capability of college students is the driving force to promote their entrepreneurial activities. However, there are still few studies on the entrepreneurial capability of college students, so it is necessary to carry out more in-depth and extensive research on the entrepreneurial capability of college students.Existing studies have explored the key influencing factors of entrepreneurial capability for ordinary entrepreneurs and how these factors affect the generation and improvement of entrepreneurial capability. College students are different from general entrepreneurs. They are active and dare to think and act, and they get more entrepreneurship trained, on the other hand, college students are easily influenced by situational factors, such as college students are not only easy to affected by the policy, are more easily affected by family and friends. This leads to the unique path to cultivate and enhance the entrepreneurial capability of college students. However, there are still few relevant researches at present, so it is necessary to deeply study the uniqueness of college students’ entrepreneurial ability cultivation path to make up for the existing research deficiencies.Existing research either analyzes the college students’ entrepreneurial capability from the perspective of teaching education, or analyzes the composition of college students’ entrepreneurial capability, or the cultivation of college students’ entrepreneurial capability from the perspective of the entrepreneurial spirit. However, the factors influencing the entrepreneurial ability of college students have not been systematically sorted out and thoroughly explored. This leads to our lack of in-depth understanding of the cultivation and promotion of college students’ entrepreneurial capability. Based on this, this study combines the entrepreneurial environment situation of China and the characteristics of college students, and through the combination of case interview and empirical research, extracts the key factors affecting the improvement of college students’ entrepreneurial capability, and deeply explores the internal path of college students’ entrepreneurial capability improvement, so as to enrich the entrepreneurial capability theory.Through literature review, case interview and questionnaire survey, this study systematically identifies the internal and external factors that affect college students’ entrepreneurial capability, among which the external key factors are reflected in entrepreneurship policies and education, and the internal key factors are reflected in entrepreneurs’ characteristics and friends’ attitudes. At the same time, previous scholars have found that entrepreneurial capability can be acquired through learning, so this study introduces entrepreneurial learning as an intermediary variable to deeply explore the internal influence path of internal and external influencing factors on the generation and improvement of college students’ entrepreneurial capability.Through the empirical test of 215 college students, this study draws the following meaningful conclusions. First, the study found that entrepreneurship policy does not directly promote college students’ entrepreneurial capability, but rather by promoting college students’ entrepreneurial motivation and enthusiasm, indirect effects of entrepreneurship and ascension. This shows that the promulgation of entrepreneurship policy will not have an immediate effect, and it needs college students to learn entrepreneurship for a period of time. Second, entrepreneurship education can not only directly improve the entrepreneurial capability of college students, but also indirectly improve the entrepreneurial capability by influencing college students to learn entrepreneurship. Therefore, entrepreneurship education is very important for improving the entrepreneurial capability of college students. Third, entrepreneurial traits can directly improve the entrepreneurial capability of college students, but have no significant impact on entrepreneurial learning. This is because entrepreneurial traits are also entrepreneurial capabilities, so college students with entrepreneurial traits do not need to use external forces to generate entrepreneurial capability. Fourth, relatives and friends attitude doesn’t directly improve college students’ entrepreneurial capability. Entrepreneurial learning should be carried out by influencing college students to promote entrepreneurial capability. This shows that the attitude of friends and relatives could improve the entrepreneurial capability of college students through the transmission of information and experience, and entrepreneurial learning plays a complete intermediary role between the attitude of friends and relatives and the entrepreneurial capability of college students. Overall, the formation of college students’ entrepreneurial capability and ascension process depends on entrepreneurial learning to completion, although the entrepreneurial traits can promote college students’ entrepreneurial capability directly, but college students entrepreneurial traits may also affect the entrepreneurial learning, in turn, promote entrepreneurship capability. Therefore, it can be seen that entrepreneurship learning is the key path for college students to improve their entrepreneurial capability.The theoretical value of this study is mainly reflected in the following three aspects. First, this study takes the special group of college students entrepreneurs as the research object to deeply reveal the unique path of college students’ entrepreneurial capability improvement. Although previous studies have carried out extensive studies on the entrepreneurial capability of ordinary entrepreneurs, the generation and improvement process of college students’ entrepreneurial capability is unique, but has not been revealed in depth. This study abstracts and summarizes the key influencing factors of college students’ entrepreneurial capability from the aspects of theoretical literature and case practice, and deeply analyzes the influences of different influencing factors on college students’ entrepreneurial capability, so as to fill the gaps in relevant theories. Second, this study constructs a system of influencing factors of college students’ entrepreneurial capability. Starting from internal and external influencing factors, this study deeply explores the influences of entrepreneurial policies, entrepreneurial education, entrepreneur characteristics and friends and relatives’ attitudes on college students’ entrepreneurial capability, and reveals the key factors influencing the generation and improvement of college students’ entrepreneurial capability. In the past, scholars paid too much attention to the importance of entrepreneurial capability and the results generated by entrepreneurial capability, but neglected the prior variables for the generation and improvement of entrepreneurial capability. This study explored how college students generate and improve entrepreneurial capability from the source, and improved relevant theories. Thirdly, this study takes entrepreneurial learning as an intermediary mechanism to deeply explore the internal influence path of key factors on the generation and improvement of college students’ entrepreneurial capability. Although previous studies have focused on the impact of entrepreneurial learning on entrepreneurial capability, they have not deeply revealed the mediating transmission mechanism of entrepreneurial learning in the process of entrepreneurial capability generation and improvement. This study has conducted an in-depth study on it and revealed the internal path of college students’ entrepreneurial capability generation and improvement.
Keywords:college students  entrepreneurial capability  entrepreneurial learning  promotion path  
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