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作者姓名:刘海涛  陈玮
摘    要:市场经济条件下的全心全意为人民服务,并不是要苦心积虑地消灭党政干部身上那个“私”字,更多的是对党政干部作为公共人的公共品格要求,是站在公共利益和公共人的角度对作为普通人的个人私欲的约束和抵抗。要践行全心全意为人民贩务,首先,制度安排必须考虑人的行为方式;其次,全心全意为人民服务要有合理的激励制度。

关 键 词:全心全意为人民服务  制度安排  公共人  市场经济  行为方式  激励制度  公共选择压力  政府

Arrangements of Institution of Serving the People Wholeheartedly
Abstract:Theory about serving the people heart and soul under the terms of market economy need and get new explanation and development of institution arrangement:Namely to cadre in the government and the Party for social public man request and standardizing of role of subject mainly;separate reasonably social public man role with social role of ordinary man,arrange and mould social public consciousness natural endowment of serving the people heart and soul of person with institution of rigidity,and to make moral demand of ideology enter into the institution that can operate finally.
Keywords:Serve the people  arrangement of institution  public man  
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