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Interactive Video Technology for Distance Learning

By comparing two classes (onsite and remote), this study assesses the influence of interactive video technology on how students learn in one library and information science (LIS) distance learning course. Students in this course participated voluntarily in the study by completing a questionnaire, and some elected to participate in a focus group at the end of the course. The results revealed that students in both classes became more comfortable with the technology, had positive attitudes, and achieved the learning objectives for the course. Students identified the top three positive factors that enhanced their learning as (1) class discussions with more diverse perspectives, (2) use and familiarity with the technology, and (3) class interactions. Students identified the top three negative factors that hindered their learning as (1) audio problems, (2) technology glitches and delays, and (3) intimidation to participate by the large screen, with two large classes and talking heads visible to everyone. In conclusion, the benefits of interactive video far outweigh the barriers.
Keywords:Interactive video technology  LIS  remote classes  assessment  questionnaires  student attitudes
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