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引用本文:杰拉德·莱特纳,郝金敏编译. 从守护者到领路人:全球图书馆界的新角色[J]. 中国图书馆学报, 2019, 45(5): 27-32
作者姓名:杰拉德·莱特纳  郝金敏编译
作者单位:国际图书馆协会和机构联合会(IFLA),国家图书馆 北京100081
摘    要:随着信息在人们生活和社会发展中的作用发生变化,图书馆和图书馆员的角色也经历从守护者向门户再向领路人的转变。历史上,图书馆和图书馆员作为守护者为保护和传承人类文化做出了贡献,但在社会服务方面主要是为少数精英阶层提供服务;信息、知识、学习被认为是精英阶层的特权,社会大众被认为没有必要获取信息。第二次工业革命时期,人们普遍认识到基本文化素养的必要性,西方社会也逐渐形成共识,即确保每个社会成员至少接受过初等教育;此后,随着技术进步,印刷成本降低,信息能被更多人获取和利用;公共图书馆开始普及并向社会公众开放,图书馆和图书馆员发挥门户的作用,帮助人们克服获取信息的障碍;进入数字时代,图书馆仍然发挥门户的作用,确保任何人无论其身份、财富、背景如何,都不应被排除在信息获取之外。人类社会进入信息时代,信息极大丰富与信息稀缺一样,给信息获取带来了种种问题,人们需要使用批判性思维来面对海量的信息资源;图书馆需充分发挥领路人的作用,帮助社会公众提升信息素养,实现对丰富信息的有效利用,助力创建更强大、更公平、更具创新性的社会。

关 键 词:图书馆  图书馆员  守护者  门户  领路人

From Gatekeeper to Gateway to Gate Opener: A New Role for the Global Library Field
Gerald Leitner and HAO Jinmin,trans. From Gatekeeper to Gateway to Gate Opener: A New Role for the Global Library Field[J]. Journal of Library Science In China, 2019, 45(5): 27-32
Authors:Gerald Leitner  HAO Jinmin  trans
Abstract:The change in the role of information in our lives, in our societies, has meant that the role of libraries has evolved from gatekeeper to gateway, and from gateway to gate opener. Historically, librarians, through following good practices, through taking the right precautions, and in some cases, through personal bravery, have delivered on their responsibility to keep works safe so that they are available for future generations. Libraries were built, for the most part limited to those who could pay a subscription,or who were affiliated to an institution. Information, knowledge, learning were also seen as the preserve of the elite. Access to information for the wider population was seen as unnecessary. By the time of the second industrial revolution, it was broadly accepted that basic literacy was a must, and in the West, there was a powerful drive to ensure that every member of society had at least a primary education. After that, technological progress brought down the costs of printing, information can be accessed by more people; it is the period when public libraries become widespread and librarians libraries were gateways. They offered a shortcut, a means of bypassing the barriers to the information. Libraries are also a gateway in the digital age ensuring that no-one, regardless of their status, their wealth, their background, should be excluded from access to information. Information abundance can be just as much of a problem as information scarcity. Critical thinking is powerful on access to information. With gate opening function, libraries help everyone to build the competences they need, ensuring that access to information is meaningful for all, and we can create stronger, fairer, and more innovative societies.
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