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引用本文:史登峰,封志明. 从国外食物消费的发展进程看中国小康社会的食物消费[J]. 资源科学, 2004, 26(3): 135-142
作者姓名:史登峰  封志明
摘    要:文章以恩格尔系数、人均国民收入、食物消费结构与膳食营养水平为主要指标,分析了部分国家食物消费的发展历程及其处于小康阶段的食物消费水平,讨论了中国食物消费的发展阶段及未来小康社会的食物消费与粮食需求.中外对比研究表明:中国刚刚跨入小康生活的门槛,与中下等发达国家相比,恩格尔系数和人均国民收入差距较大,由小康社会走向富裕生活,尚有较大的发展空间;中国的食物消费数量已基本能够满足需要,但就膳食结构和营养水平而言,动物性食物比重过低、优质蛋白质不足;无论是能量、蛋白质,还是脂肪,与发达国家相比都处在一个较低的层次.研究认为,中国人多地少、粮食紧张,农业自然资源利用面临人口增加与消费扩张的双重压力,日本的动植物并重型食物发展模式更具借鉴意义;建设全面小康社会,改善膳食结构、提高营养水平完全有赖于中国土地资源综合生产能力的建设与提高.

关 键 词:食物消费  国际比较  小康生活  资源基础

Food Consumption in a Well-off Society of China Referring to the Experiences of Some other Countries
SHI Deng-feng,FENG Zhi-ming. Food Consumption in a Well-off Society of China Referring to the Experiences of Some other Countries[J]. Resources Science, 2004, 26(3): 135-142
Authors:SHI Deng-feng  FENG Zhi-ming
Abstract:Using Engel coefficient, NI per capita, the structure of food consumption and nutrition level as main indicators, this paper analyses the food consumption development procedure of some countries and their consumption status during the well-off period. It also discusses the development phases of food consumption in China and consumption situation and provision demand in the upcoming well-off society. The comparative results show that China has just entered the threshold of a well-off society, and a great difference about Engel coefficient and NI per capita was found in comparison with most inferior developed countries,which indicates a big potential for further development. Chinese food supplies have already met the general requirement. However, in terms of consumption structure and nutrition levels,the proportion of animal food is too low,and high-quality protein is insufficient. Intake of either energy or protein or fat is much lower than that of developed countries. The results show that Chinese agricultural resources are under critical pressure originated from ever increasing population and the expanding consumption; Japanese food consumption model of paying equal attention to both animal and non-animal food is worthy of our reference. The paper concludes that to improve Chinese food structure and nutrition level and achieve comprehensive well-off society,the enhancement of the productivity of Chinese land resource must be primarily depend on.
Keywords:Food consumption  International comparison  Well-off society  Resource base
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