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摘    要:1.Do they have a fourth of July in England?英国过美国独立日(七月四日)吗?2.If a plane crashed on the border of the US-A and Canada,where should the survivors be buried?如果飞机坠毁在美国和加拿大的边界,sur-vivors应该葬在哪儿呢?3.How many mem bers of each animal did Moses take on the ark?摩西带到诺亚方舟上的动物每种各有几个?4.Some months have31days,how m any months have28days?有些月份有31天,有多少个月有28天?5.H ow far can a dog w alk in-to the w oods?狗走进森林有多远?6.A cam per leaves her ca…

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