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摘    要:Xiao Li is a table tennis fan,he is talking with Gloriaabout table tennis。小李是一个乒乓球迷,他正在和格洛里亚谈论乒乓球。Gloria:Hi,Xiao Li What kind of game do you play? 格洛里亚:嗨,小李你打什么球啊? Xiao Li:I play table tennis,it is a game that usuallyplayed indoor on a table. 小李:我玩乒乓球,它通常是在室内桌子上进行的一项运动。Gloria:On a table!How funny?How many players arethere in a match? 格洛里亚:在桌子上进行?真有意思,一场比赛中有多少运动员? Xiao Li:It can be played by single players or doubleteams,so there are two or four players in each match. 小李:它可以单打也可以双打。因此,每场比赛有两个人或四个人。Gloria:Then by which do you play it? 格洛里亚:你用什么打球呢? Xiao Li:Of course by bat.Look,that is the table,Letme show you how to play! 小李:当然用球拍了。看,那有乒乓球桌子,我教你玩吧! Gloria:That’S interesting.What does table tennis requires? 格洛里亚真有意思,打乒乓球有哪些方面的要求?

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