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作者姓名:刘茗  王大民  王岩  姚冰
摘    要:对解决河北省贫困县264所初级中学教学改革面临问题的三大对策是:第一,学校教学改革重点:更新教学管理观念,培养高素质人才;改革教学内容,增强学校吸引力;充分开发贫困县初级中学特有的教育资源。第二,以县为主,重组教育资源;合理调整学校布局、优化教育资源配置;改革教育人事制度,优化初级中学教师队伍;改革中考招生制度,解决学生升学的后顾之忧;加强初级中学财务管理,勤俭办学。第三,各级政府应全力支持初级中学教学改革;建立从中央到地方各级政府合理分担的投资体制,教师工资由市级统一管理发放;中央财政加大对贫困县初级中学财政转移支付力度;全社会共同关心和支持贫困县初级中学教改;“普九”欠债,政府偿还。

关 键 词:贫困县  初级中学  教学改革  问题  对策

A strategic study of the junior high school reforms in the poverty-stricken areas of Hebei Province
LIU Ming,WANG Da-min,WANG Yan,YAO Bing.A strategic study of the junior high school reforms in the poverty-stricken areas of Hebei Province[J].Journal of Hebei Normal University,2005,7(1):95-104.
Authors:LIU Ming  WANG Da-min  WANG Yan  YAO Bing
Abstract:This paper offers a survey of the problems that have merged from the educational reforms done in the 264 junior high schools in the poverty- stricken areas of Hebei Province. Therefore, the authors further propose three strategies as a solution. First, the concept of the teaching reforms should be updated, contents of teaching reformed, and educational resources maximally opened up in relation to the teaching reforms. In addition, restructuring of schools, and redistribution of the educational resources should be stressed, with the teaching personnel, enrollment, financing systems reformed at the county level. Furthermore, governmental support should be substantialized in sponsoring the payment at the city level. The central financing departments should consider more investment in such poverty - stricken rural areas in compulsory education.
Keywords:poverty - stricken counties  junior high schools  teaching reforms  problems  strategies
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