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引用本文:张士伟. 论后仇池国与刘宋、北魏的三角关系[J]. 四川三峡学院学报, 2014, 0(5): 80-84
摘    要:魏晋南北朝时,氐族杨定建立的后仇池国位于今甘肃省东南部,处于北魏和刘宋两大势力的夹缝中。为了生存发展,后仇池国分别对这两大势力奉表称臣,过着朝秦暮楚的生活,其目的就是想东食西宿、左右逢源,趁机壮大自己的势力。北魏和刘宋为了相互钳制对方,也尽力拉拢后仇池国,对其实行羁縻政策,双方甚至为争夺仇池而大动干戈,进行了你死我活的斗争。为灾荒所逼,后仇池国两次对刘宋发动战争,结果招来灭顶之灾。

关 键 词:后仇池国  刘宋王朝  北魏

A Study on the Triangular Relationship among Later Chou Chi,Northem Wei and Liu Song Dynasty
Affiliation:ZHANG Sh i we i (Research Institute of Culture and History, Longnan Normal College, Longnan, Gansu 742500)
Abstract:During the period of the Wei, Jin, Northern and Southern dynasties, Later Chou Chi Dynasty was founded by Yang Ding of Di nationality in the Southeast present Gansu Province. Since it was between two forces of Northern Wei and Liu Song Dynasty, in order to survive, Later Chou Chi Dynasty had to submit to them and be quick to switch sides. The purpose was to be the third party benefiting from the tussle and strengthening its own forces. Northern Wei and Liu Song Dynasty tried to co-opt Later Chou Chi Dynasty and implemented a Jimi policy on it in order to suppress each other. Faced with natural disasters, two wars were launched by Later Chou Chi Dynasty on Liu Song Dynasty but failed and led to the demise of the Dynasty.
Keywords:Later Chou Chi Dynasty  Liu Song Dynasty  Northern Wei Dynasty
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