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摘    要:导读: 湛蓝的天幕下, 浩渺的海洋中, 冰山宛若一座巨型的汉白玉 雕成的海上宫殿, 晶莹剔透, 绚丽多姿。但是, 直到 1912 年“泰坦尼克 号”的沉没, 人们才认识到它的冷峻与无情。 Fog at sea is dangerous. But icebergs at sea are terrifying. Just the mention of icebergs and we immediately think of Ti- tanic. Sure the iceberg that ship struck is large, but we know : one of the largest ever seen was in the Antarctic re- gion. It was 60 miles wide. It was over 200 miles long. Let us compare it to one of our st…

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