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摘    要:20世纪50年代,中国海军装备基础薄弱,人才缺乏。为了能够建设一支新中国海军力量,在中苏友好背景下,中国陆续派遣海军学员赴苏留学。留苏海军学员在艰苦紧张的学习与生活环境下,经过不断的努力,顺利完成学业。回国后,他们成为中国人民海军的中坚力量,并利用在苏联学到的先进海军技术和战略、战术,服务于中国海军建设,为人民海军的发展做出了突出贡献。

关 键 词:中华人民共和国成立初期  海军  留学  苏联

A Historical Survey of the Navy Studying in the Soviet Union in the Early Days of the Founding of the People's Republic of China
Affiliation:,School of History and Culture,Henan University
Abstract:In the 1950 s,China's navy was weak in equipment and professionals.In order to build a new Chinese naval force,China sent naval cadets successively to study in the Soviet union under the background of Sino-soviet friendship.Confronted with the hard life and the intense study,China's naval cadets successfully finished study after continuous efforts.After returning to China,they became the backbone of the People's Liberation Army Navy.With the advanced naval technology and the advanced naval strategy and tactics they learned in the Soviet Union,they served the Chinese navy construction and the talent cultivation,and made outstanding contributions to the development of the People's Liberation Army Navy.
Keywords:the early days of the People's Republic of China  the navy  study in the Soviet Union  the Soviet Union
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