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引用本文:李玲,曾燕. 通向全球高影响力科学家的门户网站——ISIHighlyCited.com[J]. 图书情报工作, 2004, 48(5): 77-79
作者姓名:李玲  曾燕
作者单位:中国科学院文献情报中心, 北京 100080
摘    要:介绍美国ISI公司推出的一个以高影响力科学家的研究成果和个人信息为内容的门户网站,阐述该网站的内容、功能以及ISI对高影响力科学家的遴选方法。

关 键 词:科学家  高影响力  门户网站  ISI  引文分析  

A Gateway to the Highly Influential Scientists Worldwide:ISIHighlyCited.Com
Li Ling Zeng Yan Library of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing. A Gateway to the Highly Influential Scientists Worldwide:ISIHighlyCited.Com[J]. Library and Information Service, 2004, 48(5): 77-79
Authors:Li Ling Zeng Yan Library of Chinese Academy of Sciences  Beijing
Affiliation:Library of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080
Abstract:This paper introduces an expert gateway to the highly influential scientists worldwide which is a new product of ISI, describes the contents and the functions of this gateway, and introduces the way ISI identifies highly influential researchers.
Keywords:scientist  highly influential  gateway  ISI  citation analysis
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