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摘    要:鬟One day,Kathy and Leo mset a fox and an elephant in the woods.Ka’thy seesthe fox and says,‘'You have a small fac-e.…'You have a big face,”s。aYs the fox. , ,T;le elephant smiles‘to Lec,and says。”You have Srflall ears.”And Leo says tothe elephant.”、mu have bi(》ears.”D a d d Y,M 0 m m y,1 0 0 k a t m e.I h a v e a b i g,b i g fa c e. ,一,,_一S h O W m e y o U r S m a I I,s m a l I e a rs. @Y de a r b a b y!盎、_a ≈。?、;_荔蓑尸≥拶搿ddy和Mommy uG以和小朋友一起玩ays”的游…

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