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摘    要:You are not feeling full no matter how much you eat?Here are some ways to fool your storoach.无论吃多少你都不觉得饱?这里教你几招来“欺骗”你的胃。Drink Milk喝牛奶This creamy liquid turns semi—solid in the stomach,soit takes a lot more work to digest and send satiety sig-nals to your brain.这孔脂状的液体会在胃里变化成半固体,于是你就需更多的时间来消化及向脑部发送饱食的信号。Eat Slow缓慢的进食Taking time to savor each bite and chew each mouth-ful means there will be time for satiety signal to travelfrom your stomach to your brain before you stuff your-self.

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