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作者单位:中共辽宁省朝阳县委党校 辽宁·朝阳122000
摘    要:纵观历史的长河,国家的兴亡、朝代的更迭无不与"吏治"休戚相关。从这个基本共识出发,自先秦时期起,所有明智的政治家,都十分重视对各级官吏的严格要求和管理,不约而同地提出了"治国先治吏"的治国方略。文章从开创了"大唐盛世"的唐太宗李世民,以整饬吏治建立明初繁荣的明太祖朱元璋,及荒于朝政、吏治废弛的宋徽宗赵佶、明神宗朱翊钧正反两个方面阐述了吏治清廉,则国泰民安;吏治腐败,则国破家亡,国家兴衰治乱。"成也吏治,败也吏治"。进而明确尽管历史的步伐迈进了社会主义现代化建设的新时期,但"治国先治吏"的方针,非但不能有稍许的松缓,反而具有更为紧迫的现实意义。

关 键 词:治国理政  历史  治国先治吏  必要性

On the Necessity of "Official Management First" from a Historical Perspective
Authors:Song Xiuying
Institution:Song Xiuying The Party School of Chaoyang Prefectural Committee of the Communist Party of China,122000,Chaoyang,Liaoning,China
Abstract:Throughout the course of history,the rise and fall of the country,the change of dynasties all solidarity with officialdom.Starting from this basic consensus,since the Qin Dynasty,the entire wise statesman attaches great importance to the strict requirements and management officials at all levels,invariably "official management first".With historical facts,this paper attempts to make clear that the policy of "official management first" is of a more immediate practical significance in the new period of socialist modernization.
Keywords:managing state affairs  history  official management first  necessity
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