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摘    要:第一部分: 听力(满分 30 分)(略) 第二部分: 英语知识运用(共两节, 满分 45 分) 第一节: 单项填空(共 15 小题; 每小题 1 分, 满分 15 分) 21. —It took me ten years to build up my business, and it almost killed me. —Well, you know what they say. “ .” A. There is no smoke without fire B. Practice makes perfect C. All roads lead to Rome D. No pains, no gains 22. ItIs great fun to go to cinema after a weekIs hard work. A. a; the B. ×; the C. a; a D. the; the 23. Ladies and gentlemen, please faste…

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