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April Fools’Day
引用本文:呼振璞.April Fools’Day[J].中学英语园地,2005(4).
摘    要:“The H eadm aster w ants you in his office.”The poor boy to whom a friend says one of these things gets into apanic(恐 慌)and suddenly everyone around laughs and shouts:“A prilFool!”The boy laughs too but feels so asham ed for having been m ade a foolof ,but secretly feels relieved(放心的)that nothing disastrous(极不幸的)has really happened.A few m inutes later,he is busy devising(想出)a way to foolhis friend.For this is A pril 1,or A pril Fools D ay.In Britain,and in A m ericaand a fe…

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