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摘    要:H i,I am probably at hom e.I’m just avoid-ing som eone I don’t like.Leave m e a m essage,and ifI don’tcallback,it’s you.嗨,我可能在家里,但我不想给我讨厌的人回电话。请留言吧。如果我没有给您回电话,那么您就是我讨厌的那个人。Please leave a m essage.H ow-ever,you have the rightto rem ainsilent.If you give up the right,ev-erything you say w ill be recordedand w illbe used by us.请您留言。当然,您有权保持沉默。如果您放弃这个权利,那么您说的每句话都将被记录在案,并且将被我们所利用。Thank you for ca…

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