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引用本文:刘诗安. 加强中职文化课教学适应现代职业教育体系[J]. 大众科技, 2014, 0(8): 133-134
摘    要:现代职业教育体系建设赋予职业教育新的历史使命,对职业教育提出了新的更高的要求。中职教育是职业教育的基础,而文化课教学又是中职人才培养的基础,既要考虑学生人文素质的培养,又要考虑为学生学习专业课提供必需的工具,还要考虑中职毕业生进入更高层次的职业院校学习和就业创业发展应具有的文化基础。如此重任落在中职文化基础课教师肩上,唯有明确文化基础课在人才培养中的地位和作用,让领导、师生和家长都引起重视,加大教育教学改革和研究力度,在课程开发、教育教学手段和教学方法的改革创新方面下功夫,调动起学生的学习积极性,才能担当起这份责任。

关 键 词:中职文化课  教学改革  现代职教体系

Strengthening culture courses teaching in secondary vocational education and adapting to the development of modern vocational education system
Abstract:Given a new historical mission to vocational education, we have put forward to some new better requirements for the development of vocational education in modern vocational education system. Secondary vocational education is the foundation of vocational education. Whereas, culture courses teaching is the basis of personnel training for SVE. Firstly, we consider training students’ humane qualities, secondary providing necessary tools for the students to learn specialized courses. And finally focus on providing them with cultural basis to study further in higher vocational colleges. So cultural course teachers in secondary vocational schools should fulfill this task, and we have to be clear about their status and role in personnel training of secondary vocational education. We should enhance the development of teaching research and reforms and take greater efforts in curriculum development and teaching methods reforms in view of mobilizing students’ learning enthusiasm.
Keywords:Culture courses in secondary vocational education  teaching reforms  modern vocational education system
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