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摘    要:16.in kind(以货代款);in a kind(有几分)1)He wanted payment in kind,so we gave him some fresh vegetables.他要实物支付,我们便给了他一些新鲜蔬菜。2)What he said,was in a kind,reasonable.他的话在某种程度上是有道理的。17.on board(在船上);on the board(在会上讨论)1)The ship would have sunk with all board had in not been for the captain.要不是船长,轮船及船上所有的乘客都要沉入大海了。2)This problem will be laid on the board at the next meeting of the Directors.这个问题将在下一次董事会上讨论。18.on occassion(s)(有时);on the occassion(在……之际)1)We no longer keep up the close friendship of a few years ago,though we still visit each other on occassion.我们已不再保持几年前的亲密友谊了,虽然我们时而互相拜访。

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