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摘    要:1 Italy:Prodi Claims Poll Victory Italian opposition leader Romano Prodi claimed victory on Tuesday,April 11 for his center-left coalitionk(中左联盟)in Italy’s parliamentary elections,but Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi contested the claim.Appearing before a large crowd of supporters outside his pany headquarters in Rome,Prodi said early Tuesday that his pany had taken control of the lower house of Parliament by winning 340 of the 630 seats. However,power could shift because six of the Senate’s seats are to be allocated to Italians who live abroad,and these ballots have not yet been counted. Prodi blamed the country’s financial woes on the current government's poor economic policies.He has promised to cut labor costs.He once headed the European Union’s executive body,the European Commission.意大利中左联盟领袖普罗迪宣称以微弱优势战胜现总理贝卢斯科尼,赢得议会选举。

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