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摘    要:清初,降清的大批故明汉官成为清朝入关后政治、军事不断取得胜利和稳固统治的重要力量,清朝统治者一方面依靠、任用汉官,将其视为统治集团中的一员,另一方面在涉及满汉矛盾和动摇满洲贵族集团根本利益问题上,毫不犹豫地惩治汉官中异己分子。顺治帝亲政后大胆任用汉官,同时对降清汉官始终保持高度警觉,特别是对江南籍汉官的猜忌和打压尤为明显。严厉惩处江南籍汉官和严禁结社订盟的政策,表明顺治帝对江南文人崇尚气节、复明排满情绪以及可能出现蔓延之势的极度忧虑和恐惧。清初对江南缙绅的猜忌、提防和弹压,是在清朝入关后相当一段时期内政治、军事、经济、思想文化、社会风俗冲突的反映。随着清朝统治的日臻巩固和关外守旧满洲贵族的逐步消失,面对新形势,清统治者对江南缙绅的政策也产生了某些变化。

关 键 词:顺治帝  江南籍汉官  猜忌  

On the Policy of the Qing Dynasty in Its Early Time for Resolving the Gentlemen of Jiangnan
Abstract:At the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, a large number of officials of Han nationality who surrendered to the Qing Dynasty became an important force in the victory of political, and military as well as the solid ruling since the ruling of the Qing Dynasty rulers. On the one hand, the rulers of the Qing Dynasty relied on and appointed officials of Han nationality, which were regarded as a member of the ruling group. On the other hand, in relation to the problems of contradictions between Manchu and Han and sha...
Keywords:Emperor of Shunzhi  Officials of Han Nationality of Jiangnan  Suspicion  
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