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Approche constructiviste en pédagogie: Décentration et anticipation dans des jeux socio-moteurs
Authors:Catherine Garnier
Institution:1. CIRADE (Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche sur l’apprentissage et le développement en éduc.), Departement de Kinanthropologie, Local X-7115, Université du Quebec à Montreal, Succ. A, C.P. 8888, H3C 3P8, Montréal, Quebec, Canada
Abstract:In the constructivist theory, development is the result of an internal process carried on by an individual in interaction with his environment. In the steps of many psychologists and after Piaget in particular, it has been assumed that play contributed to the developmental process of children. This, with regard to the cognitive process, but also to the sociocognitive and motor processes as well. In fact, Kamii and Devriès (1980), when they studied play in young children groups made it clear that children proceed from a self-centered point of view to a conception where several points of view are concerned. This constructivist perspective has been ours when we carried out a pedagogical experiment with 10 years old children of a primary school, using collective play situations for the children to attain a content unknown to them. In this particular sociomotor context, this type of pedagogical approach has been experimented during six sessions with an experimental group of fifteen children. Analysis of the processes of decentration from object and from social object and anticipation has been carried on by means of sociomotor indicators during observation before and after experimentation in the experimental group and in a control group of thirteen children. A greater improvement of both processes was ascertained in the first group and the chosen sociomotor indicators looked like a most appropriate instrument for analysis.
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