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The meaning of risk and protective factors in infancy
Authors:Hellgard Rauh
Institution:1. Institute of Psychology, Department of Psychology, Free University Berlin, Habelschwerdter Allee 45, D-1000, Berlin 33
Abstract:Recent psychological research on infants and newborns led to discoveries of early competencies in young infants hitherto unbelieved by most scientists and difficult to account for in traditional models of child development. On the other hand, accumulated empirical longitudinal evidence challenged long-held preconceptions of the enduring impacts of early experience on later development. The risk concept, adapted from pediatrics and psychiatrics, was introduced with the expectation of identifying those subgroups of infants that are of increased risk of later behavioural or developmental maladaptation. The risk concept, however, turned out to be imprecise, having too many different meanings, being too abstract, and applicable only to populations or groups, not to individuals. Combinations of the risk concept with recently developed more sophisticated models of early development, such as transactive and systemic models of development, include such concepts as vulnerability/resilience as stable personality characteristics, protection or risk as setting characteristics, and coping in the face of actual stress as situational process variables. Implications for prevention, intervention and early education are discussed with respect to some selected groups of infants considered at-risk.
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