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作者姓名:皇甫尚春  梁云霞
摘    要:Ⅰ.单项选择1.—H ow can we go to M r Sm ith s office,Jenny?—Y es, .A .this way,please B .after youC.go ahead D .m ake yourself at hom e2.A fter the m eeting,Prem ier W en Jiabao w alked onto the platform ,seated him selfin a chair and for answering questions.A .had prepared B .being preparedC.prepared D .preparing3. left before the deadline(期限),it doesn t seem likely that Johnwill finish the job.A .Though such a shorttim e B .B ecause such tim eC.W ith such a shorttim e D .A s such…

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