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摘    要:一个国家和民族的经济要取得良性的发展 ,必须要有良好的政治运作。思想僵化 ,墨守成规必将坐失发展良机 ;思想解放、观念更新是抓住机遇用好机遇的关键。百年近现代中国历史印证了上述观点。十一届三中全会后系列政治经济改革契合了大发展机遇 ,故而功绩卓然 ;新世纪国际关系新变动又一次把我们推到了选择的关口。

关 键 词:历史契机  解放思想  良性驱动  僵化  回眸国史

Concept Renewal:A Beneficial Drive to the Productive Forces Development at the Historical Turning Point
Abstract:It is demonstrated by the history that the ideological emancipation,the concept renewal and the fine political operation must be achieved before a beneficial national economic developmental system is established.Mental stagnation leads only to the missing of opportunities.The new changes in the international relations in the new century brings us to a crossroads of choices with the numerous chances coming with the opening policy and the economic reform.
Keywords:the historical turning point  ideological emancipation  beneficial drive  stagnation  review of the national history
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