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引用本文:柴晨星,崔祥民. 众创空间研究热点及前沿演进[J]. 科技管理研究, 2021, 0(12)
作者姓名:柴晨星  崔祥民
作者单位:江苏科技大学 人文社科学院,江苏科技大学 人文社科学院
摘    要:利用CSSCI和Web of Science数据库中收录的以“众创空间”或“创客空间”为主题的422篇文献,利用CiteSpace软件进行文献作者合作网络、关键词图谱分析等,分析国内外众创空间发展现状和热点及其异同,得到以下结论:第一,国内外学者之间的合作较少,仅有少数学者间形成合作团队但涉及领域较窄;第二,国外发展经历了萌芽期、发展期和快速增长期且研究领域不断拓宽、文献数量仍在迅速增加,而国内经历了起步期、迅速增长期、缓慢下降期,文献数量增速放缓;第三,国外研究热点聚焦于“创客空间+技术孵化”“创客空间+教育”,而国内研究热点聚焦于“众创空间+教育服务”“众创空间+创新创业”“众创空间+绩效提升”;第四,国外研究的前沿方向是教育、硬件DIY、工程教学,国内则是生态系统、绩效评价、创新创业、高校众创空间等,但国内外研究都向众创空间的实践性结果迈进,最终目的都是服务于创新创业实践。

关 键 词:众创空间  创客空间  citespace  研究热点  前沿演进

A Study on Hotspots and Frontiers of Makerspace--- Visual Analysis Based on CiteSpace
Abstract:Based on 422 literature themed on "co-working space" or "makerspace" included in the CSSCI and Web of Science databases, Using CiteSpace software for literature author cooperation network, keyword map analysis, Analyzing the current status and hotspots of co-working space at home and abroad, The following conclusions are obtained: First, Less cooperation between scholars at home and abroad, Only a few scholars formed cooperation teams but involved narrow fields; Second, Foreign development has experienced the infancy, development and rapid growth, the research field is expanding and the number of documents is still increasing rapidly, And the domestic has experienced the initial period, rapid growth period, slow decline period, The number of documents has slowed down; Third, Foreign research hotspots focus on "Makerspace + Technology Incubation" and "Makerspace + Education", The domestic research hotspots focus on "Co-working Space + Education Service", "Co-working Space + innovation and entrepreneurship" and "Co-working Space + performance improvement "; Fourth, The forefront of foreign research is education and hardware DIY, engineering teaching, and the frontiers of domestic makerspace are ecosystems, performance evaluation, innovation and entrepreneurship, makerspace in colleges and universities, etc., However, domestic and foreign research moves towards the practical results of co-working space, The ultimate goal is to serve the innovation and entrepreneurship practice.
Keywords:co-working space   makerspace   citespace   research hotspots   frontier evolution
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