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引用本文:刘师健. 论苏轼贬谪期间的审美心境--以《东坡志林》为考察对象[J]. 保定学院学报, 2016, 0(3): 84-89. DOI: 10.13747/j.cnki.bdxyxb.2016.03.013
作者单位:华中师范大学 文学院,湖北 武汉,430079
摘    要:苏轼既创造了惊人的艺术成就,又彰显了独特的人格魅力,在贬谪期间有着鲜明的以自然为美的审美心境。即:不再囿于自然山水的阻隔和贫乏的物质生活,而是以情为本,以超然的心态赏玩着生活中的普通之物,咀嚼着周遭的普通之事;生活中的方方面面在他笔下皆化为艺术,焕发生机,昭示着他澄明、宁静、平和淡泊、旷远而深湛的审美心态。这种无往而不适的审美人生智慧汇聚着孔子舞雩风流的人的自然化精神与庄子“适意不异逍遥游”的艺术境界,又有别于同时代以理为本,高谈道德伦理的理学,直指人的现实的情感愉悦,成为了古代士人安身立命的典范。

关 键 词:苏轼  《东坡志林》  贬谪  审美心境

The Study on Aesthetic Mentality of Su Shi During the Relegation---Dongpo Zhi Lin as the Object of Study
Abstract:As a great cultural man, Su Shi not only created prodigious art achievements, and revealed the unique personality charm. During his relegation, he was no longer limited to the natural landscape of the barrier and poor material life of confusion, but based on love, nothing without happiness, Everything in life become the art and showed vitality in his creation, They witnessed to his emotion and reason, revealed his clear, quiet, peaceful, profound and thorough aesthetic mentality. This adaptive and aesthetic life wisdom converged natural human spirit of Confucius and“easy not different unfettered” art realm of Chuang tzu, and was different from the contemporary Daniel ethics of science, It pointed to the reality of people’s emotional pleasure, become the ancient intellectuals living example.
Keywords:Su Shi  Dongpo Zhi Lin  relegation  aesthetic mentality
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