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作者姓名:Luther Vandross  童桦
摘    要:BSCk Wh6n 1 WaS a Child Before life removeda!!the innoeencel天月] My怕ther woufd liff me high And danee with my mother and me And then SPin[旋转]me around till 1 fell asleeP Then uP the stairs he would earry me And 1 knew for sure 1 was toved记得我还是个孩子岁月还未抹去天真俗性父亲会把我高高举起与母亲和我共舞然后带我慢慢旋转,直到我渐有睡意他会抱我上楼我知道我被爱着If 1 eould get another chance Another Wslk AnotheF danCe With him l’d Play a song thatwouldnevereverend HOW!,d IOVe 1…

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